Enviado por vcgza • 3 de Septiembre de 2017 • Tarea • 1.462 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 250 Visitas
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Valeria Carolina González Aguilar
Id: 1792882
Cesar Eduardo González Vargas
Id: 1793042
Mauricio Gálvez de la Garza
Id: 1640229
Macro and microeconomics are two ways to qualify from the perspective of the observer the same phenomenon: The economy. They are not phenomena isolated from one another, it is rather the place where the observer stops. Each one studies and explains different points of the economy like this: Microeconomics studies the individual agents and Macroeconomía studies the agents together
The supply is the quantity of products or services offered in the market. In the offer, before an increase of the price, increases the amount offered. The demand is the quantity of goods or services that the buyers try to acquire in the market.
Indexes are statistics that indicate the current state of a nation's economy. In Mexico, they are measured by government institutions such as INEGI and the Bank of Mexico and some by the private sector. The main ones are: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, unemployment, balance of payments (exports and imports), foreign investment and certain variables related to government finances.
These variables measure the sensitivity in the economy and allow decision makers to make public policies focused on improving their performance, based on areas such as planning, implementation and integration. For example, for experts, the unemployment rate may be more interesting than knowing the number of people working, known as the Economically Active Population (EAP), this would allow them to know the population without receiving income and its impact on consumption, To design policies aimed at stimulating investment and recruitment.
Municipality: General Zuazua
- Location of General Zuazua
It’s a municipality in the northeastern Mexican state of Nuevo León, it is located in the north-central part of the state, which has been called peripheral region because of its proximity to Monterrey metropolitan area.
- Population in General Zuazua
Total, 6,996.
- Ages of population
Zuazuais divided in 2567 teenagers and 4418 adults, 576 of them are older than 60 years old.
Indigenous population of General Zuazua
181 people in Gral. Zuazua live in indigenous households. An indigenous language is spoken by 93 people who are older than 5 years. The number of people who only speak an indigenous language is 1 and 86 speak both an indigenous language and Spanish.
- Social Structure
A legal claim on health care and social insurance benefits have 4290 citizens of Gral. Zuazua.
- Unemploymentrate
Last May, the Nuevo Leon unemployment rate stood at 4.4 percent, the same level reported in the previous month and in May last year, but higher than the national level, which was 4.03 percent, according to National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (Inegi).
- EducationLevel
In addition to that there are 237 illiterates of 15 years and older, 64 of them are young people between 6 and 14 who do not attend school. 279 inhabitants of the population of 15 years old did not visit a school and 2099 persons did not finish the school. 1181 visited only the 6 years lasting primary school, 658 visited and finished the college or similar scholar institutions. A total of 187 of the young generation between 15 and 24 years visited a school, the medium school which enters the population is 7 years.
The description of the current conditions of the Conurbation Zone in all its components, allows to point out some important aspects, under the Integral Synthesis of Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats (SWOT) to which the urban fact is exposed.
- Strenghts
General view
The dynamics of the growth of this municipality
The potential of this conurbated municipality to join the joint effort and jointly coordinated with other municipalities of Nuevo Leon
The possibility of facilitating investments by simplifying the process for productive investment.
The consolidation of the Zuazua center on a pedestrian scale.
Uses of soil
Stable primary economy thanks to agricultural production, such as oranges and honey which are its main activities
Installed capacity.
Scale economics.
Ability to distribute products and services.
Ability to purchase the population.
Public transport
The peripheral routes.
Taxi car park.
Technical resources of the State Council of Transport and Road.
Living place
Considerable increase in the number of mortgage loans for workers.
Labor available.
Feasibility of drinking water.
Extensive training of human resources for health.
Major installed capacity of number of hospital beds, both public and private.
Parks and Recreational Areas
Current areas are relevant asset.
Infrastructure, water and drainage
Network of wells in production.
24-hour total supply.
Existing water networks and sanitary drainage.
Electric power
Installed capacity covers short-term demand.
The load is distributed under the incremental distribution method in case of failure of one of the generating plants.