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Paicaví Nº 3281, Alto Los Príncipes -  Concepción

Fonos (41)  2522020 – 2522929

Teacher :  Miss Paulina Jeldres

 Subject:   Natutal. St.


Natural Studies  Test

Name: _________________________________________ Class: 5th Grade Star

Date: April  15th , 2015 Total Score: 45 points[a]    S.Score: _______________________


Body Systems

  • Levels of Biological Organization
  •  Digestive System[b]






Item[c] I: Multiple Choice:

Choose and circle the Correct alternative ( 15 points)

  1. Which of the following levels of biological organizations includes all of the others?

A. Tissue.

B.  Cells.

C.  Organs.

D.  System.

2. Look at the image 1. Which level of organization does it belong to?

[pic 2]

A. Tissue.   

B.  Cells.        image 1

C.  Organs. 

D.  Organism.

3. The digestive tube is formed by different segments with specific names.

1.- Anus 2.- Mouth 3.- Esophagus 4.- Stomach

5.- Small intestine

Put them in descending order according to their location in the body.

A.         2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 1

B.         2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 1

C.         1 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 2

D.         1 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2

4. Food transforms in the stomach  because it mixes with gastric juices. What organ creates  gastric juices?

A. Liver.

B.  Pancreas.

C.  Stomach.[pic 3]

D.  Small intestine.

5. Put the images in order from least to most complex.

                             I                           II                                III                              IV                      V

[pic 4]

A. III – I – V – II – IV

 B.  IV – II – V – I – III

 C.  I – III – V – II – IV

 D.  IV – II – V – III – I

6.     In order to live, it is necessary for nutrients to enter our cells. This occurs through a four-part digestive process.

[pic 5]


 Put them in the order in which they occur.

A. IV – II – III – I

B.  III – II – IV – I

C.  IV – III – II – I

D.  I – III – II – IV

7[d]. During the digestive process  food transforms into more simple substances called nutrients, which enter cells to complete various functions. The first part of this process  is ingestion and it means:

A. swallowing food.

B.  the formation of gastric juices.

C.  the formation of the food bolus.

D.  when food enters the body.

8. Which of these structures collaborate to form the food bolus?

I. Tongue

II. Teeth.

III. Esophagus.

IV. Salivary glands

A.         IV

B.         I y IV

C.         I, II y IV

D.         I, II, III y IV

9. A patient in a hospital is having trouble forming feces. What part of their body has experienced a change?

A.         Anus.

B.         Rectum.

C.         Appendix.

D.         Large intestine.

10. A teacher observed an organism under the microscope and presented it to her class. Of the following  student observations, which allows you to know it was a multicellular organism?

A.         The cells formed colonies.

B.         The organism had tissue.

C.         The organism only had one cell.

D.         It can only be seen by a microscope.

11. Which of the following levels of biological organization is the origin of the others?

A.         Tissue.

B.         Cells.

C.         Organs.

D.         Systems.


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