El efecto ecologico
Enviado por Naomi Martinez • 16 de Mayo de 2018 • Reseña • 295 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 113 Visitas
Naomi Martínez Litardo
Domestic waste research
City: Guayaquil, Ecuador
Measurement period: 2 days
Results: (in grams)
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• What is the daily percentage of putrescible waste and not putrescible generated?
Day one: 600+200 = 800
Organic: 200/800 = 25%
Non-organic: 600/800 = 75%
Day two: 200+100 = 300
Organic: 100/300 = 33.3%
Non-organic: 200/300 = 66.7%
• What is the daily generation of waste per person at his home in kilograms? Divide the total daily garbage for the number of people who live in the house.
Day one: 800/3 = 266.7 gr.
Day two: 300/3 = 100 gr.
• What actions would be taken at home in the future to reduce the amount of garbage? Remember that recycling is not the only option
We need to buy only what we really need, avoiding unnecessary purchases and when we already have the product find a way to make the most out of it before trashing it.
In our house the problem is the grapping papers and containers processed foods come with. A way to reduce the amount of garbage that we generate would be to start buying organic and fresh foods that come without packaging. Something else we can do is to reuse the containers before throwing them away.
Another way is to decrease the purchasing of drinks that come in plastic bottles, start using thermos and making our own fresh juice.
• How much garbage may generate Guayaquil if all generate the same amount of garbage as you? Assume that the city has 2.4 million inhabitants.
Day one + day two: 266.7 + 100 = 366.7 gr.
Guayaquil’s estimation: 366.7 * 2,400,000 = 880,080,000 gr.
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