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Etiología de la pedofilia por neurodesarrollo: marcadores y alteraciones cerebrales

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Escuela Superior de Medicina-IPN

Metodología de la Investigación y Estadística I

Alumno: Flores Gregoire Luis Andrés

Etiology of pedophilia from neurodevelopment: markers and brain alterations

García, B. J. A. (2009, 1 octubre). Etiología de la pedofilia desde el neurodesarrollo: marcadores y alteraciones cerebrales | Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental - Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health. ELSEVIER.

Comentario en español e inglés

Una vez leído el texto podemos concluir que la pedofilia es un trastorno neurológico y no solo una preferencia o un gusto, como lo menciona en el texto después de un estudio realizado se comprobó que las personas pedófilas tenían cosas en común, desde preferencia de escribir, IQ bajo, así como se menciona que hay un menor volumen en la sustancia blanca que conecta regiones corticales que responden a señales sexuales.

Los trabajos de neuroimagen muestran la pedofilia como un trastorno caracterizado por una desconexión parcial dentro de una red de reconocimiento de estímulos sexuales relevantes y por una activación cerebral disfuncional ante estos estímulos.

Se puede concluir que con estos hallazgos se abre una gran oportunidad de investigación, se cambia el concepto que se tenía acerca de la pedofilia, el cual se decía era una preferencia un gusto, sin embargo, con esta investigación ahora podemos saber que la pedofilia es una condición neurológica y que tiene que ver mucho con el desarrollo del cerebro se abre el debate y creamos nuevas hipótesis.

En mi opinión creo que estos nuevos hallazgos abren la puerta a nuevos tópicos de discusión en donde a mi parecer se podrá investigar más, analizar más y ver si la genética tiene algo que ver con esta condición, a mi parecer creo que si es algo neurológico y apoyo la idea de que sea algo del cerebro en el desarrollo y no es algo que pase por algún abuso sexual de niño, así como la homosexualidad, transexualidad, y todas las condiciones sexuales es a mi parecer algo neurológico.

After reading the text, we can conclude that pedophilia is a neurological disorder and not just a preference or a taste, as mentioned in the text, after a study carried out it was found that pedophiles had things in common, from preference to write, Low IQ, as well as it is mentioned that there is a smaller volume in the white matter that connects cortical regions that respond to sexual signals.

Neuroimaging studies show pedophilia as a disorder characterized by a partial disconnection within a network of recognition of relevant sexual stimuli and by dysfunctional brain activation in the face of these stimuli.

It can be concluded that with these findings a great research opportunity opens, the concept that was had about pedophilia is changed, which was said was a preference a taste, however, with this research we can now know that pedophilia is a neurological condition that has a lot to do with brain development, the debate opens and we create new hypotheses.

In my opinion, I believe that these new findings open the door to new topics of discussion where, in my opinion, more research can be done, analyzed more and see if genetics has something to do with this condition, in my opinion I believe that if it is something neurological. and I support the idea that it is something of the brain in development and it is not something that goes through some sexual abuse as a child, as well as homosexuality, transsexuality, and all sexual conditions is in my opinion something neurological.

Artículo en Ingles

Etiology of pedophilia from neurodevelopment: markers and brain alterations


News related to the sexual abuse of minors is increasingly frequent and generates great social alarm. Pederasty (sexual abuse committed with children) and pedophilia or pedophilia (erotic or sexual attraction that an adult feels towards children or adolescents) are terms that are related. Although its meaning is different, clinically only the term pedophilia is used 1. The diagnostic criteria for pedophilia, according to the DSM-IV-TR, are listed in Table 1.

[pic 1]

Regarding the choice of children as sexual objects, a distinction has been made between pedophiles and hebephiles, depending on the age of the children. Thus, the term pedophile would refer to adults who choose children 12 years of age or younger as a sexual object and the term Hebrew would be used to designate adults who are going to choose adolescents over as a sexual object. In relation to the range of sexual acts that these people can commit with children, there are activities that range from exhibitionism or voyeurism to others such as caresses, rubbing their genitals against the child, masturbation in their presence, oral sex and penetration. anal or vaginal. Due to the great social interest that this topic arouses, studies have been carried out that have tried to make an approximation to the conditions, situations, factors, etc., that lead the person to develop a sexual attraction towards children.

In the study of the causes of pedophilia, environmental factors can predispose people to become pedophiles, since they often report that environmental stress is a factor that increases their urges and the urge to attack children. The main etiological hypothesis, and one of the most obvious examples that environmental factors increase the risk of a person becoming a pedophile or child molester, is that the person was sexually abused as a child; This relationship is known as the "victim-abuser cycle" or "abused abuser phenomenon”. The occurrence of this phenomenon varies widely depending on the study selection criteria and the population studied, but it has been reported that pedophiles suffered abuse as children in a proportion that ranges from 28 to 93%, compared to 15%, approximately, in control subjects, and they show a preference for children of a similar age to that of the pedophile when he suffered the abuse.

The development of the central nervous system is a crucial process for the development of sexual behavior. This process is genetically determined and modulated by neurochemical, nutritional and environmental factors. The alteration of this process gives rise to the so-called neurodevelopmental disorders, which can be defined as brain lesions that are expressed as neuropsychiatric disorders, whose origin would be related to the periods of intrauterine and sensitive development after childbirth. There are different signs or markers of abnormal development that are associated with a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders, some of the main ones are: a)a low intelligence quotient (IQ), since a significant intellectual deterioration has been observed in neurological damage acquired during early childhood in people exposed to teratogenic substances and in genetic disorders with marked neurobiological effects (fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome, etc. .); b) left hand preference (or substantial use of both hands for common tasks, especially writing), which is significantly more common in populations with any neurological disorder, and in individuals exposed to neurotoxic agents in prenatal stages or who have suffered stress at birth (extremely low birth weight, twin births, and preterm deliveries), and c)height or height, which is affected by adverse conditions present during prenatal (inadequate nutrition, exposure to pathogens) and postnatal (suboptimal economic conditions), resulting in a decrease in average growth rates and the increased risk of various health problems during adulthood.


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