- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Expedition - Experiment

Enviado por   •  4 de Septiembre de 2014  •  289 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  171 Visitas

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Expedition – Experiments

As you may know, the first expedition was mainly about the climate and the temperature, also about models, and what´s a model? A model is a close copy to a real event. We get inspired, so we decide to make two models, the first one and the most important, it´s about the greenhouse effect, and the second it´s about how the temperature varies in different “soils”, the dry soil, the humid soil, and the contaminated soil. Now my teammate it´s going to explain you more about the experiments…

As you may know, the third expedition was mainly about models and decisions, but what a model is?

A model in science is anything used as a representation of an object, law, theory or event. Models are used as tools for the understanding of the world.

We worked in two models in which we wanted to observe how our planet and the energy from the sun interact.

In the first model we observed how the light raises the temperature in the ocean and also on the ground. The ocean’s water was represented by a container with water and the ground was simulated by sand in different conditions of humidity and contamination. For this purpose we prepared a mixture of sand and coil. And a desk lamp represented the sun.

In the second model we used the air inside a fish tank to represent the atmosphere and we obtained carbon dioxide from the reaction between vinegar and sodium bicarbonate.

We wanted to make sure the air had a high concentration of carbon dioxide and the black surface in the bottom of the fish tank represents the ground. The glass top and walls of the container represent the very high CO2 contents in the atmosphere.


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