- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Gestión integral de epidemias Tarea 5

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Nombre de la Materia: Gestión integral de epidemias  

Nombre de la Licenciatura o Maestría: Gestión en la salud y Bienestar corporativo

Nombre del Alumno (a): Erick Alejandro Lira Hernández

Matrícula/Número de identificación: 00512879

Nombre de la Tarea: Analisis Critico de la literatura

Unidad/Módulo #: Los principios de la epidemiología  

Nombre del Profesor (a): Ana Gabriela Garza Álvarez

Fecha: 11 de Junio de 2023

Análisis crítico de la literatura médica



Proceso observacional y comparativo de la rehabilitación deportiva en el abordaje de osteopatía dinámica de pubis entre los equipos de futbol categoría elite de Panamá y Colombia

Prevalencia de caries dental y factores de riesgo asociados

Sobrepeso y obesidad infantil en el mundo


Pubic osteopathy is a painful inflammation of the origins muscular insertions in the pubic symphysis, rehabilitation. The protocol include rest, physical therapy, manual therapy and physical means depending of the country or resources on each football team. The principal objective is to establish the most significant differences on physiotherapeutic approach of pubalgia is implemented on the men national’s football soccer categories of Colombia and Panama. The methodological study development in a qualitative approach, which is based on information provided by competent professionals of each country, which will be analytical and experimental, since the opportunity of them to enter on the field during days of rehabilitation with collaboration of third parties, the population who analyzed this article will be health professionals (sportsmen, doctors, physiotherapistsand athletes) who have accessed their services to both Colombian and Panamanian, especially will be selected Itagüí Leones team and the Panamanian football team. Helping to stablish the diferences between rehabilitation protocols who is attach mainly to the possibilities and the tecnology they have implemented.

Objectives: to determine the prevalence of dental caries and the degree of association between oral health knowledge, oral hygiene and dental caries involvement.
Methods: from March 2008 to March 2009, a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was conducted in 100 young persons aged between 17 and 19 years suffering from tooth decay. Both sexes were included in the sample.
Results: the prevalence of caries was 7.7 % in women and 8.6% in men. Most participants of both sexes had poor oral hygiene. In 24 (48 %) women and 34 (68 %) men, oral health was low. Statistically significant differences were found on oral hygiene, oral health knowledge, and involvement by dental caries.
Conclusions: the prevalence of dental caries is high. The analyzed risk factors are associated with dental caries involvement.

Overweight and obesity in children and young people is one of the biggest public health problems nowadays and it affects every country, especially those with a less developed economy. In order to have a better understanding of this problem, a descriptive study of an ecological type is proposed in which the relationships of three economic indicators are studied: per capita income (RPC), the percentage of total and public health expenditure in relation to the Product Gross interior (GDP), with the average body mass index (BMI) of the child and youth population between 5 and 19 years of age, in the different countries 28 and in two years separated by a decade, 2006 and 2016 (latest year available). The data sources are the Observatory of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank. The indicators are analyzed using correlations and regressions in five groups, all the countries and the four groups established by the World Bank: high, medium-high, medium-low and low income. It is observed that, globally, the countries with higher incomes invest more in health, and have a higher average BMI, often higher in women. All the indicators are invariably higher in 2016. We find differences in the relationship of the average BMI with the CPR in high and middle-high income countries, compared to those with low or lower middle income; in the former there is an inverse relationship, the higher the CPR, the lower the BMI, while in the latter the BMI increases with the CPR. Given population growth in low-income and developing countries, it is necessary to encourage effective policies to promote healthy lifestyles, especially in children and adolescents, in order to achieve optimal nutrition levels for all.










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