- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Importancia Del Ingles

Enviado por   •  8 de Abril de 2015  •  2.062 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  250 Visitas

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Knowledge of English increases the chances of finding a good job faster. This is one of the key findings of Randstad Professionals Randstad prepared by the firm, which has shown that knowledge of languages is one of the main requirements for companies seeking employees.

Today more than ever it is necessary to learn English, because every day more used in almost all areas of knowledge and human development.

According to the consultancy Randstad, 75% of posts aimed at senior managers work required as prerequisite knowledge of a second language, usually English.

The study highlights the need to master a second language increases relative profile sought, as it is a requirement by the companies for 58% of the deals aimed at recent graduates al. This figure increases to 65% when it comes to middle management positions and 100% for senior management positions.

Today, any researcher or professional who wants to be a day or access specialized books inevitably need to know English to be informed of the rapid advances that are occurring in their area of expertise. And it is because 75% of the literature is in English.

English is the language of telecommunications (80% of electronically stored information). Of the estimated 40 million Internet users overall, 80% currently communicating in English. Most sites are published in English. In addition, the percentage of network users who are not native English speakers is increasing rapidly.

Generally the languages most sought after by employers are English, French and German. However, China is gaining prominence because of the job opportunities generated by the market in the country.

These are the reasons to make us aware of the enormous importance of studying and learning English as a parallel alternative to the university.

Having a positive outlook, and keep in a proactive and enthusiastic attitude, let us face the future with optimism and without fear, for surely today's young generations are one of the best prepared in the history of our country, despite the overwhelming data unemployment. It is in your power to change these negative figures and reach your goals.

We are constantly evolving and changing labor market and business, financial and economic relations in general, along with a job that allows us to trace the sooner these dramatic unemployment, living in a global and international panorama, so is essential to adapt to this situation.

Today the management of more than one language is vital to a successful career. Knowledge of English Sine qua non condition is to enter the labor market, and enjoy optimal working conditions.

Recent estimates suggest that about 402 million people speak it as their first language, and is used today by more than 1,000 million non-native speakers. And this number will continue to grow at least until 2015, year in which, moreover, some 2,000 million people worldwide what could be learning, concludes a recent report by the British Council. However, in just over a decade it will speak three billion people, ie half of humanity. The consequences of the advance of this linguistic tide are immeasurable. Within a few generations and for the first time in the history of "homo sapiens", most of our species will be able to communicate in one language.

For global consensus, English has been chosen as the language of international communication. It is "de facto" the language of diplomacy in a "global" world in which relations between countries are becoming more important. His knowledge is required to work in the supra-governmental institutions such requirement.

In the economic field, industry, business, international trade, the entire production universe write, speak and read in English. If you know the language, you will open almost every door in employment opportunities and improved from a median wage employment to the highest levels ejecutivos.Basta look at the job offers from major newspapers, consulting selection, linkedin or infojobs. But also now handling more than one language is vital to have a more fruitful career, and so say where surveys say many companies ask it as required, thus the chances of getting a job increase by 44 %.

Language knowledge therefore is no longer a valuable requirement has become a MUST for most companies when looking candidates REQUIREMENT. It is not negotiable.


English is probably the second language in the world in number of speakers who have it as their mother tongue (between 300 and 400 million people), and the second most spoken, after Mandarin Chinese, if it also has to have it as a second language (200 million people).

The English, by extending his tongue England Worldwide (British Empire), and become the United States of America in the greatest economic and military power, has become the de facto lingua franca of today.

Despite the existence of other international languages and languages like Esperanto and Interlingua looking to use a more neutral language, English is today the main language of international communication. This is because a "civilization" dominant usually takes no other language but, on the contrary, imposes his; this is the reason why in many European countries languages derived from Latin spoken, as this is the official language of the Roman Empire.

There are currently proposals for neutrality in the use of an auxiliary language; However, from an economic standpoint large amounts of money to be paid during the teaching-learning process would be lost; These are, for example, royalties paid for books and teaching materials in general, plus certification exams that must be renewed periodically. It follows the refusal to adopt an international language other than English by those who profit from this business.

In our time, knowing English in the workplace was no longer desirable to become a requirement. English has gained momentum as the predominant language in business and has become a key requirement that determines job success. The knowledge and language proficiency increases the chances of finding a good job in less time. Today's world offers many possibilities to learn this language, so there is no excuse for not knowing English.

One of the reasons why English has become very important in the workplace, it is because businesses are becoming less local and more global. Companies no longer limited to interact and do business within a country but which are crossing borders. In this sense, English has become the language of business. This facilitates interaction between companies,


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