- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Importancia De Hablar Ingles

Enviado por   •  10 de Enero de 2014  •  1.043 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  749 Visitas

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Although our language is the more spoken language second in the world according to the number of native inhabitants, the English language is the universal language to communicate with peoples of all departs of the world.

The phenomenon of the globalization is doing patent the need they have the managers of all sectors to learn one of the more used languages in the world of the businesses. Construction, finance, step, marketing, education, |internet| , tourism, cattle production, any environment requires a dominion in conditions of a foreign language as the English language, that it is the more international thing.

The international expansion of the English language is one of the more outstanding phenomenons of the last half of the XX. Century it is difficult to clear away the great importance that has the English language in all aspects of our lives. and although dedicates to him a lot of gain courage to the apprenticeship of the English language in colleges, institutes and universities, are little those who really stand out the English language spoken, which gives you a great advantage, so much in the labor current market as at personal level.

Nowadays there is a lot of people, specially between the more young generations, capable of understand the writing English language and even capable of write a text in English but with the great competence it exists in the labor market, it is indispensable have additional knowledge’s that do stand out us of the remainder. The dominion of the English language spoken, the be capable of develop in a real conversation, to communicate with the voice, it is at present much more valued in the labor market that the simple capacitance of reading and write in English language.

It is more, even says since who does not master that language is in a clear situation of disadvantage: it would be as if was mute or intercede illiterate. and they exceed the reasons to say it. The claim of this document is, because, those of doing see these motives to the youth and to your families of the enormous importance to acquire this language.



 Deciding the importance to speak the English language in our run of agricultural engineering.


 Learning the English language of a practical form by means of a methodology of work and implanted constancy in our university.

 Developing the skill to understand the English language to develop us better in our halfback.

I. THEME: UNIT 4 People

1.1. Identify Family Members

My family is very small and is agreed for grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, child and daughter, everyone carries out an activity in a different way, have tastes and characteristic different.

1. He’s Samuel Castillo, he’s sprouted in the city of El Oro but at present lives in Santo Domingo is a farmer, he’s works in your property cultivating cocoa, coffee, banana and also blows, your property is located in the km 32 Quevedo Santo Domingo paths. He’s has 55 years of age but even works very hard. He’s straightens up very early in the tomorrow at 5:00AM, pleases you the field. He’s is very high of thin contexture your eyes are colored black.

2. She is Laura Quezada, is wife of Samuel, she sprouted in the city of Manabí and at present lives in Santo Domingo, it is school teacher she works


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