- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Importancia del agua para la vida

Enviado por   •  1 de Abril de 2014  •  Trabajo  •  832 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  234 Visitas

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Water makes up more than 70 % of the body's most organisms , and is involved in most of the metabolic processes that take place in living organisms . Specially plays an important role in plant photosynthesis and also provides a habitat for a large part of the bodies

Water scarcity already affects every continent. About 1,200 million people, almost a fifth of the world's population , live in areas of physical water scarcity , and 500 million are approaching this situation. 1,600 million , about a quarter of the world population , are facing situations of economic water scarcity , where countries lack the capacity to transport water from rivers and aquifers infrastructure.

Facts about water scarcity :

The World Water Day is celebrated on 22 March each year . The theme for 2007 is water scarcity . There is a shortage of water even in areas where rainfall or freshwater resources abound. Because of the way it is used and distributed , there is not always enough to fully meet the water needs of households , farms , industry and the environment. Well some water scarcity affects every continent and four in ten people in the world . The situation is getting worse due to population growth , urban development and increased use of water for industrial and domestic purposes. In 2025 , nearly two billion people will live in countries or regions where water scarcity will be absolute and water resources per person will be below 500 cubic meters per year recommended , amount of water needed na person to lead a life healthy and hygienic . Water scarcity leads people to store water in their homes. This may increase the risk of contamination of domestic water and provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes , which are vectors of dengue , dengue hemorrhagic fever , malaria and other diseases.

The problem of water is one of the Millennium Goals . Because , again, is an indispensable resource for life . The Goals represent human needs and basic rights that all individuals should enjoy the planet . There are eight human development purposes set in 2000 , the 189 member countries of the United Nations agreed to achieve by 2015.

The apparent abundance of water in the world has seemed in the past that it was an inexhaustible well . It was also the cheapest . In most areas the water was free. This has led man to squander . Watering is carried out in an excessively generous to the point of flooding soil and cause secondary salinization . Leaks in water supply networks of cities are huge. Water is considered today as an economic resource of the same value as mineral , and must be managed rationally . At the origin of this awareness a significant decrease of this resource in many parts of the world and , from the mid- seventies , the growth in the cost of energy appears . It was found that the irrational exploitation of a resource


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