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TASK: 1 – 2.  DATE: 16 – 02 – 2016.

DILAN DAVID GÓMEZ MORA.  CARNET: 1013650747. Agrimensura en Puerto Rico -160 años.

The Agrimensura has a history, so ancient like the Ancient Egypt and the Holy Bible.  The Egyptians that were to favour of the grown of the river Nilo, needed a system to know the linderos that the floods erased frequently.  This, beside the surgimiento of the private property gave foot to the need to measure, giving step like this to the first agrimensores of our planet.  In the Bible, are frequent the references to linderos, limits and terrains.

The Greeks did incalculable contributions to the profession when incorporating the classical mathematics and create some instrumental.  From here the birth of the Dioptra and the Astrolabe of Hipparchus.  The theorems developed by Pitágoras and Euclid were pillars for the profession.  Subsiguientemente, the Roman Empire, the one who baptise this profession with the name that know: “AGRIMENSURA”, develop a range of multiple instruments and applied is in the construction of roads, public works and aqueducts.  The Roman Empire owes him his success to the agrimensura.

In the Half Age, to the equal that a lot of other fields of the know human, do not represent important progress any for the Agrimensura with an exception; the compass.  This faithful friend of the navegantes was adapted for the profession.  The end of the half age and the start of the renaissance in Europe represented for the agrimensura, equal opportunity.  Rondando The 1500, create  the polymer and the ménsula pretoriana among others instruments.  The telescope, invented by Galileo in 1609, adapted  in 1640 for works of agrimensura integrating him a diaphragm with threads in cross to fix the visual.  For this same centuria begin  to use the theodolites in Europe.  Successively they continued arising instruments and improvements to the existent, tendency that continued until our days…” - ORIGEN DE LA AGRIMENSURA.

The beginnings of the agrimensura trace back almost so far like the idea of the property of the earth. His practice was a consequence of the process of radication and afincamiento experienced by the parcialidades that of nomads happened to sedentary; that of the economy pastoril evolved to the activities of agricultural type. This last demanded the distribution of the earth and his legislation parcelario imposing then the mensuración of the respective predios, of whose activity was born the Agrimensura like science, art or job (…)

“…Some of the architectural attainments more remarkable of the ancient societies civilised would not have been possible without the knowledge of the basic principles of the topography.

The big pyramids of Egypt and the roman aqueducts exist, in part, like a testimoniode the skill of the agrimensor, less evident , but equally important    son the different concepts, tools and methods established in the ancient and recent past that form the earth, modern topography of craftsmanship. Our current system of the agrimensura of earths and the maintenance of registers is in reality a compound history of layers of technicians and concepts accumulated to través of the time, so prompt like originarias of 5.000 years ago.

One of the first examples of a measurement of terrain using half mathematicians finds  in the ancient Egypt. The Big pyramid, built around 2.700 to.C. In Guiza, shows the Egyptian knowledges of the technicians of the agrimensura, as this exhibits a base almost perfectly square and his four sides are situated directly to the north, south, east and west, with amazing accuracy. The first document known approaches the property of earths is “the register of Egyptian terrains”, created around the year 3.000 to.C, in which it shows  to the owners of several areas of earth and also registers  his location. Also it knows , thanks to Herodoto (historian and geógrafo Greek), that in the ancient Egypt worked some technicians called “estiradores of ropes”, those that used ropes of lengths known with which commissioned  of replantear the limits of the properties after the grown of Nilo, assigning to each agriculturalist the area that corresponded him such cual had been relieved previous to the grown, which allowed to keep the operation of the main engine of the economy as it was the agriculture, which was very important in a strongly centralised country like Egypt.

The tools of agrimensura that were used in the ancient Egypt were simple, but, as it is obvious, they used them of form entirely effective. The most basic tools were the plummet, a wand of elbow, for short measurements and a rope of calibration of 100 elbows for long measurements. These ropes were knotted at intervals of equal distance. Apparently they used the practical application of the Egyptian triangle to establish angles of 90 degrees. To level, the Egyptians used a tool in shape of “To”. A plummet, hanged from the top of the “To” suspended by the centre of the beam crossed when the tool was levelled extreme with extreme. For nivelaciones on a large scale,  especula that they could have used channels with water, although any has conserved  (…)

“… Measure the fields was very important in the Ancient Egypt. It was common that the earths had owners, although the majority of the earths belonged him to the Pharaoh. This is, by supposition, what did more important to the agrimensura, as the rent and the taxes were based in the cultured area…”

“…In Mesopotamia also developed  the agrimensura like consequence of the works of canalisation and regadío that served  of the waters of the rivers Tigris and Éufrates to irrigate his earths. A proof of the use of the agrimensura in the ancient Babylon is a plate of rock limestone known like the Kudurru Babylonian, that dates of the year 1.200 to.C., which contains registrations about terrains.


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