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version 3.5

for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP

Users' Manual

László Prikler,

Hans Kristian Høidalen

Preliminary Release No. 1.1

October 2002


for Windows


The content of this document is identical to the SINTEF Report

No. TR F5680, but is not an official document of the SINTEF

Energy Research, Norway. It has been converted to PDF format

and made available for distribution via the secure ATP FTP

servers and Web sites, as well as via the regional EMTP-ATP

Users Groups. ATP license is required to obtain the ATPDraw

program and this manual. Conversion of this manual to other

formats and distribution on any kind of media requires explicit

permission from the authors.


This Users' Manual documents all main features of ATPDraw version 3.5. The manuscript is

prepared by László Prikler at SYSTRAN Engineering Services Ltd. in Budapest, and based on

the previous Users' Manual for ATPDraw version 1.0, SINTEF TR A4790, dated November

1998. The Reference Manual gives a summary of menu items and menu options. The Advanced

Manual covers the new features Grouping, $Parameter, line/cable-, and transformer modeling.

Finally the Application Manual is extended with several new examples.

New ATPDraw users are advised to start with the Installation and Introductory manuals.

ATPDraw is developed by SINTEF Energy Research (SEfAS). Program and documentation

development have been financed by Bonneville Power Administration, USA.

For SINTEF Energy Research Trondheim, Norway 7th August 2002

Hans Kr. Høidalen

project manager


ATPDraw is a graphical, mouse-driven preprocessor to the ATP version of the Electromagnetic

Transients Program (EMTP) on the MS-Windows platform. The program is written in Borland

Delphi 2.0 and runs under Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP. In ATPDraw the user can construct an

electrical circuit using the mouse and selecting components from menus, then ATPDraw

generates the ATP input file in the appropriate format based on "what you see is what you get".

The simulation program ATP and plotting programs can be integrated with ATPDraw.

ATPDraw supports multiple circuit modeling that makes possible to work on more circuits

simultaneously and copy information between the circuits. All kinds of standard circuit editing

facilities (copy/paste, grouping, rotate, export/import, undo/redo) are available. In addition,

ATPDraw supports the Windows clipboard and metafile export. The circuit is stored on disk in a

single project file, which includes all the simulation objects and options needed to run the


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