Enviado por jamartinez57 • 26 de Mayo de 2013 • 294 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 251 Visitas
1. Peano's Axioms and Natural Numbers
We start with the axioms of Peano.
Peano's Axioms. N is a set with the following properties.
(1) N has a distinguished element which we call `1'.
(2) There exists a distinguished set map : N ! N.
(3) is one-to-one (injective).
(4) There does not exist an element n 2 N such that (n) = 1. (So,
in particular is not surjective).
(5) (Principle of Induction) Let S N such that a) 1 2 S and b)
if n 2 S, then (n) 2 S. Then S = N.
We call such a set N to be the set of natural numbers and elements
of this set to be natural numbers.
Lemma 1.1. If n 2 N and n 6= 1, then there exists m 2 N such that
(m) = n.
Proof. Consider the subset S of N dened as,
S = fn 2 N j n = 1 or n = (m); for somem 2 Ng:
By denition, 1 2 S. If n 2 S, clearly (n) 2 S, again by denition
of S. Thus by the Principle of Induction, we see that S = N. This
proves the lemma.
We dene the operation of addition (denoted by +) by the following
two recursive rules.
(1) For all n 2 N, n + 1 = (n).
(2) For any n;m 2 N, n + (m) = (n + m).
Notice that by lemma 1.1, any natural number is either 1 or of the
form (m) for some m 2 N and thus the dention of addition above
does dene it for any two natural numbers n;m.
Similarly we dene multiplication on N (denoted by , or sometimes
by just writing letters adjacent to each other, as usual) by the following
two recursive rules.
(1) For all n 2 N, n 1 = n.