Enviado por luis8apa • 1 de Septiembre de 2013 • Tesis • 462 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 214 Visitas
1. VANESSA: Welcome parents to our class. In Green Hills School we always want to protect the environment, so we will show you how we can to stop noise pollution at home.
2. VICKY: First you will see a video to see what noise pollution is.
3. Manuel asks SEBASTIAN:
-What is noise pollution? Noise pollution is too much sound that you can´t hear another person.
- What are some of the sources of the noise pollution? Noise pollution comes from traffic, industries, factories, and urban areas.
4. VICKY: Now you are going to listen to different sounds and you are going to tell me if you recognize them.
4. MANUEL: I will show you the way the sound travels to our ears: for this project we used 2 paper cups, 2 toothpicks, a string. I made a hole in the base of the cup, then I made a knot in the toothpick to hold the string. (Vane and Manuel talk).
5. MANUEL: the voice moves the air inside the cup and makes the string vibrates, then the vibrations travel into the string and into the other cup.
6. VANESSA: now we´re going to see how keen your hearing sense is. I will drop a nail and when you hear the sound you raise your hand. But you must turn around.
7. SEBSTIAN: the sound intensity is measured by decibels, look at the chart.
Threshold of hearing (not sound) 0 decibels
Rustling of leaves 10 decibels
Whispering 20 decibels
Normal conversation 60 decibels
Busy street traffic 80 decibels
Ipod at maximum level 100 decibels
Threshold of pain 130 decibels
Military jet take off 140 decibels
Instant perforation of eardrum 160 decibels
8. Vanessa asks VICKY: What are the effects of noise pollution in humans?
People suffer a lot of stress, headaches, they don´t sleep well, they become aggressive, you could get brain and heart damage, and at last lose the hearing.
9. Vicky asks MANUEL: how can the governments prevent noise pollution?
Big cities can use noise barriers and plant green belts that are trees around residential areas or airports. Also having silencers in cars and designing quieter jet engines.
9. Sebastián asks MANUEL: And, what can we do at home to prevent the noise pollution?
-don´t slam the doors
- trim bushes by hand
-put curtains and carpets in noisy rooms
-turn off the TV if you are not watching
-don´t yell
-don´t beep your car horn.
Please protect the world, let´s go GREEN!