Enviado por NissiG23 • 22 de Abril de 2014 • Ensayo • 937 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 310 Visitas
Obesity is one of the principal problems that the world is exposed to, this health condition is often caused in many cases from bad food habits; it can be a mental and exterior problem because this society unfortunately has an estereotype of what makes a person beautiful. People are critical of obese people, this causes a major self esteem problem for not only those who are extremely obese, but also people who are slighty overweight. Beauty is portrayed to us every day through television commercials, magazine ads and at retail stores, restaurants etc. America has "brain-washed" the public by showing beauty only as something superficial. Some people take these perceptions to extremes by getting plastic surgery, liposuction, and some even become bulimic and anemic trying to become what we steryotyped as beutiful.We can associate obessity with an obsession; sometimes the people can get this addiction to the food because they think that this is the solution or distraction from their problems. The level of the obsession can be associated with the fact that a person eats uncontrollably with the same lack of control as a drug addict or an alcoholic; that's why in some cases we would classify obesity as a health problem or a disease.
Obesity is a worldwide problem as well, it has a lot to do with what America is today. Obesity affects a human's life from the most minimum thing such as their mood to larger effects such as high colesterol, blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes and even death. Is obesity solely that person's fault? If people were more active and ate healtier food, had better eating habits would the obesity rate, especially in America be so high? Obesity is not always just caused from lazziness and lack of good eating habit. In some cases people will eat when they are depressed or stressed, just as some people eat less when in in those emotional states.
Weight problems are also caused by genetics also in may situations it is often the parents fault do to the fact that in many situations parents don't teach their children the best healthy habits because the parents themselves don't have good habits when it comes to food, health and exercise. With most people working five to six days a week, taking care of their household and children and other daily responsabilities it becomes hard to concentrate on havin a healthy life style. Healthier foods such as organic fruit and vegetables, and less fatty meats are also much more expensive and cooking a healthy meal its more time consuming which most American households don't have in an average day and find it more convenient and affordable to buy prepared food which is often high in calories and fat.
However, obesity is not principally caused from natural causes such as heritage. Most of the time is caused for factors controlled by humans, for example food or beverages. Alan Greenblatt