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Final Paper:

 The curious incident of the dog in the night

Day: April 15. 2016


Today I met  Christopher, a 15 year old                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          boy, who lives only with his father and his rat, Toby. He doesn´t talk about his mother, so I think that she´s dead, or maybe his mother don´t live with them, but I don´t want to ask him, because it´s something out of place. It's really hard to communicate with him because is autistic, but, I was amazed, compared with other guys which I work with, he can really communicate, not well as we can, however, he still can have a conversation with someone, not any person, because he only talks to people that he already met. This boy seems to be a good guy, but, as a good autistic, he doesn’t share feelings and is very obedient.

We spend like an hour talking about his father, he seems to be a good man, because Chris said that they spent time going to the park, to fathers job, to the mall, to the cinema, and many different activities etc. He also said that his father is very attentive, every time that he is in trouble, father helps him and tries to calm down him. I think that maybe his father is stressed or disappointing with himself, because he don´t deserve to raise his son alone, and also his son, in this case Christopher, doesn´t deserve to live without a mom figure. So, that´s why I think that he feels guilty of. Maybe he would need to visit me and talk about this situation, because he doesn’t have anyone to share his problems beside Christopher, and he might not be interested on this. I should ask Chris if he miss his mother, but I don’t know how, if I say a wrong statement, he might get unbalance and it will be a chaos that I would like to avoid it.

Day: April 18, 2016


Today Christopher was very confused. He told me that the dog of his neighbor, Mrs. Shears, was murdered. He saw it, so I think that´s why he gets shocked. We talked a lot about dead, but it´s difficult for him because he doesn´t understand very well that kind of terms, like feeling, love, etc. He said me that no one knows who killed the dog, so, he will try to solve this puzzle, but his father didn´t like this idea, because he will get in a trouble in which he is not involucrate and also he said that if he gets in, he will get in trouble. All this think his father said in a bad way, jellying at Chris, so he got afraid, and he answered yes, but Christopher is a curious guy, so I don´t think that he will stop until he solves it. Also, he asked me what to do, and I didn´t know well what to answered, because his father could get angry at me, saying why I teach bad habits to his son, and in the other hand, I think that is fine to investigate of what you are interest, in this case, solve this puzzle. Special for Chris, because this causes help him to solve problems or what to do in trouble, but I didn´t want to be contradictory on what father said, so I told him to search, but to don´t be imprudent or rude with his father, because, is his father and he deserve all his respect. I have a theory, I analyze all this stuff and I think that If his father doesn’t want that Christopher investigate and solve this puzzle, is because of something, maybe he helps killing the dog, or he know who is, but, I don´t what to think that he killed it, because for Christopher it would be mined blow that will cause heavy and awful consequences on his life.

Day: April 25, 2016


Today Christopher told me something that I´ve never expected it could be real, his mother was alive. He found some letters, which were hide in a box on the closet of his father According to the date of them, they were sended a while ago. I didn´t think that he was concient of what is happening, so, I tried to make him realize this situation. First, I asked him where is she, if she is living alone or what, and Christopher said that she was living in Londres with Mr. Shears, the ex-husband of Mrs. Shears! I startled, Londres! Then, Mr. Shears! I think that he was dead. Then I think by my own, how a mother can have left his son and move to another country? And also, how she can move because love? After that, I ask him why is she living there, and he show me a letter that had written the following: “I fighted very much with your father, because of you, and I met Mr. Shears, so we started to have a good relation, then you know how it´s finished.” I conclude that she left his son for a men! A man! How a mother can do that? I was shocked, what kind of mom is she? Now I understand why his father is like that, he has all reason! Obiusly, all this stuff I thought in my mind, Christopher wouldn´t be able to understand the situation. Now I feel much bad for his father, he might feel really alone and bad! poor man, he didn´t deserved that all this things happening at the same time. Also, poor Christopher, this will change his entire life, what would happen if he wants to live with his mother now? What would have happened his  father? How his father will feel when he notices that Chris know all this things? We are really concerned that he didn´t want that Christopher know this,

Day: May 1, 2016


Christopher arrived to my office crying, I didn´t know what was happening, so I tried to calm down him and ask what´s going on. After 15 minutes, he started talking. He told me that his father killed Mrs. Shears dog and that he didn´t know what to do, because he feels unsafe on his house, that in any moment his father will find he by surprise and kill him, or something like. And it´s not good for him to live with his feeling of unsafety.

He told me that he will make a big decision, he thinks that the best option is leave his house and move to mother´s house in Londres. He asked me my opinion about this situation, and I didn´t know what to say, first I think how his father would feel, lonely, responsable about this and guilty, but he will have to pay for the things that he already done. Then, I think of his mom, she would be very happy to see his son again after many years, but maybe she now has another life, maybe she has new sons, daughters, husband, a new family, and she really doesn´t care about him, what if he arrives home and her mother do not open the door? Or maybe she really forgot Christopher  and that´s why she never come back to visit him, or she might not be prepare to add a new member to her new family. Finally, I think how Chris feel. He is special, maybe he doesn´t realize the significance of this situation, he might feel upset of his father, because he was his only family figure and now, he feels unsafe of him so it would be very difficult. I hope that he can go over. I know he can.


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