- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Sukey Alba Wongñiz


Instituto Hispano Ingles

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Book Report

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What it was about?

Charlie is the only freshmen of the group and it is clear he has some depression issues especially around Christmas time, when he remembers how his Aunt Helen passed away. She had gone out to buy Charlie a birthday gift as she does every year, but this time, she got hit by a car and died instantly.Charlie also loves music very much and it shows all throughout the book, especially with his favorite song ''Asleep.'' Throughout the book Charlie learns much about himself, dealing with love, depression, and mental instability. By the end of the novel, a secret is revealed about Charlie's Aunt Helen. He comes to realize that he had been molested by her and that is why he ends up going back to the same hospital he was in when he was seven years old, around the time his Aunt Helen died. His friends come to visit him, but he doesn't acknowledge anyone, not even Patrick. He eventually gets released, and when he gets out, he explains how he is who he is for a lot of reasons, and maybe he'll never know most of them, but even if he doesn't have the power to choose where he has come from, he has the power to choose where he is going from there.

What did I learn?

In this final part I really understand a part of life. Yes , I understand that many persons hate sadness because they think that it is not necessary in life , but with this book I recognized that sadness and hapiness are mixed to créate like a balance in life. Whaen you are sado r confuse you give more value to the happy Little moments in life. Your family and friends will be always for you.Hearing your favorite song , passing time with a person that you love or maybe passing time with your brother and sister , can make you feeling infinite.  

My favorite character:

In this part I really enjoy the character of Sam because


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