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Principios Basicos De La Biologia

Enviado por   •  25 de Septiembre de 2014  •  368 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  297 Visitas

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Basic principles of biology: Physical features follow some principles and concepts of great importance, among which include universality, evolution, diversity, continuity, homeostasis and interactions.

Universality: There are many universal constants and common processes that are essential for life forms. For example, all life forms are comprised of cells, which are based on a common biochemical, that is the chemistry of living beings. All organisms perpetuate their hereditary traits using genetic material which is DNA-based nucleic acid, which uses a universal genetic code. In developmental biology characteristic of universality is also present: for example, early embryo development follows some basic steps that are very similar in many metazoan organisms.

Evolution: the central principle of biology One of the central concepts of biology is that all life descended from a common ancestor that has followed the process of evolution. In fact, this is one of the reasons that biological organisms exhibit such a striking resemblance in the units and processes discussed in the previous section. Charles Darwin conceptualized and published the theory of evolution which is one of the principles of natural selection (Alfred Russel Wallace is generally recognized as co-discoverer of this concept). With the so-called modern synthesis of evolutionary theory, genetic drift was accepted as another fundamental mechanism involved in the process.

CHROMOSOMES: We know DNA, diffuse color ground substance of the material (and shown in the resting cell) is structurally and functionally organized with certain proteins and certain forms of abastonadas Costituyentes in structures called DNA cromosomas.Las units are responsible for structural and metabolic characteristics of the cell and the transmission of these characteristics of a cell are called otra.Estas genes and are arranged in a linear order along the chromosome.

GENES The gene is the basic unit of hereditary material, and is physically formed by a segment of chromosome DNA. Considering the issue affecting the estate, this basic unit also receives other names, like recon, when what is complete is the ability to recombianción (the recon is the smallest segment of DNA capable of recombining) and mutton when it serves mutations (and thus the mutton is the smallest segment of DNA capable of mutating) .In general, a gene is a DNA fragment codidifica protein or peptide.


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