- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  8 de Noviembre de 2013  •  Examen  •  296 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  217 Visitas

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Actually I’m working for the company document management, it offer services as digitizing, capture and control information, it is stored in DB (Data Base) and IDB (Image Data Base) this information can be queried in, property of this company.

I’ve developed my activities as coordinator in Data Center Area, we manage the servers and infrastructure as LAN, WLAN and VLAN, we monitoring the performance of all server in the company and actually we have 52 servers online. We have 3 sites (Cuautitlan, Cuautitlan-Km40 and Monterrey)

We work with ISO 27000 this refers to security information, protecting client’s information access with the best security level, to do this we implement many kind and security devices as firewall, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam etc.

Well, now I’ll talk about me and my job… I think that I have a good job because I’m doing that I like. For other hand I work five days (from Monday’s to Friday’s) per week and 8 hours per day, maybe I haven’t the best salary because I’m earning around $8,500 MX/Monthly but I’m obtaining a good experience grade, it’ will be the most important in the future because I’m could get a better job.

In this company we have many benefits, some there are: I can study the university, I have time to do my homework when I finished my activities, I don’t need stay more time that necessary. We have eight days per year for vacations and save money with the company given us 10% per interest.

Now, I’ll describe my dream job or my ideal job… for me, the ideal job is where can I earn more money and where can I put in practice my knowledge and abilities to help the company to grow up. I know that isn’t easy find a good and perfect job



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