- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Reduction of Hazardous Waste

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Reduction of

Hazardous Waste


High School Chemistry Laboratories

Editor -

Dr_ Oeorge R. Wahl, JL

DepartmenL 01

North Carolina Stale univ€rsity

 NC 27695-8204



Polhlhn Prevention Pays Program

Nonh Cerol'na Departmenl

Neural Resources and

Community Deve•ment




 01 Contents

4        Dis&bner Participants

        7        l. IntrodLEion

Sponsor»nd pres•nl Project Irrwemarna_lion


Legs # Eäter

Rkk O*-aves

        1 1        n. Importance of Laboratory Work

        13        Ill. Chemistry Lab outline

25        IV. Invento•y  comments

Features ot a Ooca hvemory Availabh Prof

V. Informaüon on Some Chernlca's Veed in Sch0ötg

Lists of Restriaed Chemicals

Justiflcaüon 'or use Chemicals

Taadler æspons.iuhv  Perspøaive


        35        "Chemoa List*

        49        VI. Treatment of Hazardous Waste


Ctpmk*l EKcnam•s


Amnesty Days

Less is Better

In House Treatment

        52        Disclaimer

Recovery of Silver

Carbon Disulfide

Inorganic Cyanides

Strong Acids and Bases

        57          Hazardous Material Spills


Information on How to Clean Up a Spill - the MSDS

Proper Perspective

General Procedures Personnel Safety

        61          Experimental Design

Mini-Scale Experiments

Micro-Sca!e Experiments

                 Plastic ware

Micro-Scale Glassware

69          D(. Representative Modifications of Popular Experiments

69        Energy and Entropy: Phase Changes

70        Water of Crystallization and Empirical

Formula of a Hydrate

70        Mass and Mole Relationships in a

Chemical Reaction

71        Investigating the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy

72        Kool-AidTM Chromatography

74        Woodrow Wilson - NSF/Dreyfus Program

75        The Formula of a Compound

        79        Iodine Clock Kinetics

        85        Diffusion in a Tube

        89        Boyle's Law

        95        X. Suggested Safety Committee Program

        99        XI. Student Involvement


        101        Bibliography

Laboratory Mamals

IV.        Mi•croscale Laboratory Manu*

V.        waste Oispoea'

VI.        cetaogs

 Con»uter Sofiware

Vill_   equipment

 Phone Numbes

X, General

X Ill. posuuae



No chemical procedure can be guaranteed "safe". All experiments recommended in this manual appear to present minimum hazards. However, there is no guarantee, expressed or implied, that an experiment or procedure will not cause injury. Each teacher selecting an experiment should try it out under carefully controlled conditions before using it as a class exercise. Any necessary safety precautions should be added to the material given to the students. Activities which cannot be deemed safe for students should be altered in their delivery mode, have additional safety factors added or be deleted totally.


        Alice 0_ Anderson        Rodney M Bost

        Emsley A. vaney Hlgh School        All"hany High

Acacen-w Street



 Hlgh StM01 East Forsyth High ScM01 prennn, NC 2e734   NC 27284

         Wethersbee        CalhY W00ten

        W_ G.         High $cMol        Kinston High

         24 Claren«n Crescent        Kingon. NC

 NC 27610

01. H. A. oepanment ot Cò•emistry North State University

Ra"hl NC 27"5-8234



l. Introduction


TF" PoEuiiM1 Preventbn Pays Program ol Iha Nodh Canina Depanment et

        Naturel Resources         Community Devaloprngnt provided fuMS lor this

Their 3tmort is gredty

the country «e perpleyedl ara to courses in dEr1*3try but are wamed ltvt the use ol may resullin semus should an

Regulatiôłs         'he         Q$po-;al ăłenfeals are pro"erdi", but are Aven little         and 12$$ tlmg end n•nney Io pmerty implement Ihem_ Facililies high sci-ml laboratories and chernnal slMeroams are  ina&quate and rarely sem.re_

manual, the ”STOP" Manuelhas baen NUtr1 CĘroEna Departmanl oi Public Insin.ntion- Dr. William ha; proaxed cuniless bcal aM workshops contents ot the eră to generally nesă xoper s.alely in Iha scmos Tha manua in Eght the mosl recent regulałicns, particulâdy in the areas M ară măr dispcsâl


A Ou.łmeni problarrg o' hazaróus  and the busy high săol îtraighdorward, pr*ZaI  up•   recom• mendations on hewto with the ever  Ot hezereo'$ ma• łenałs ii neeăea.

        Thi; Meurn•nł lg imponani to tha teaclErs, stu&nts         dt/zens ol NM1h

        Caro#na because Oi the quanliigs         dvgrslty ol hazardaus material*

$cund in aur schods I h9waste thal i* generată y*tiy. arid the         on purchasecflarge  unnecessaey cnemea.žs. Theexcesscnemcas on snełvŕs         increasn•g eecn year         morman' and         oftheľdi;POS* conłinue to •scalatŕ.


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