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Types of waste that pollute the environment

Enviado por   •  10 de Junio de 2013  •  298 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  446 Visitas

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The big accumulations of residues and of garbage are a problem every major day, which originates for the big agglomerations of population in the industrialized cities or which they are in process of urbanization; which have a great demand of consumer goods that increase in turn the volume of waste. This type of waste or garbage qualify in domestic and industrial garbage.

The domestic garbage is formed principally of plastic, cartons, paper, remains of food, wood, ashes and packings of crystal and of metal or of tin-plate; that generally is accumulated in places destined for it outdoors and that originate many hygienic problems and the proliferation of numerous bacteria and virus that cause many diseases, as well as plagues, rates, cockroaches and several types of harmful insects for the man; in addition when this great accumulation of waste rains they contaminate the waters when they are dragged up to the rivers, the lakes and the sea; as well as to the underground warehouses of water these when they are in permeable areas.

Often the garbage is eliminated by means of the incineration, which also originates a detachment of big quantities of toxic gases and which contaminates equally the atmosphere.

Another very important type of waste that the environment contaminates very much are the cemeteries or lots of old or useless cars and scrap in general, that detach oxides and gases that later are dragged by the rains and contaminate the land, the water and the atmosphere.

On the garbage having settled to opened sky, the microorganisms that there take place are transported by the wind contaminating the air, the soil and the water, and enclosedly our food, great part of the solid residues they are not disagreeable and accumulate provoking loss in the quality and productivity of the soils and the water.


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