Social Science
Enviado por • 30 de Marzo de 2014 • 991 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 178 Visitas
• Sociology: human behavior show regular and reoccurring riles. Humans are social beings.
• Role n status
o Role: the way someone is expected to behave in a certain position
o Status: identifiable social position by which society sees the individual
o A role is a certain behavior given the particular status of an individual before society.
• The social process: playing roles and achieving status creates or destroy social relationships
• Basic social processes:
o Associative processes: bring people together. Creates relationships. (amalgamation, accommodation, assimilation, innovation)
o Mixed processes: a combination of getting people together and apart. (Competition, Work specialization)
o Dissociative processes: separate people, brake up existing relationships(opposition, stratification, conflict, war, corruption)
• Social structures:
o Webs of relationships for practical reasons (units)
o Terminal product of the process
• Leopold von Wiese: Classification of social structure
o The masses
Easiest to create
Usually violent, individuals forget responsibility.
o Groups
Family, neighborhood, classroom, teenagers, professionals.
o Corporations or associations
• Social dynamics
o Sociology uses it to explain the interrelationships.
o Theory of relationship: society is a process built around social happenings
o States of social dynamics
Equilibrium: institutions, values an social structures are interrelated functionally
Conflict: event that disturbs social equilibrium.(wars, strikes, opposition)
• Social happenings:
o Social process: the total of what happens with humans and their relationships and processes
o Social distance (holding back): psychic distance between humans.
Teacher/student, officer/soldier, boss/employee
o Social space: space where social processes develop
o Social structure: the linked social relationships
• Social stratification: some groups are better than other. Old as society
o Occupational strata: income related
Order: owners, professionals, employees, qualified workers, manual workers.
o Strata by domicile (urban or rural)
o Status
o Social class; most important social strata
• Economy: social science, studies human behavior oriented to production, distribution, circulation and consumption of wealth
o Microeconomics: behavior of individual and corporations as acting units in the economic field
o Macroeconomics: studies economics of larger units. Makes conclusions about growth and development of a country or region.
o Need: sensation of missing something
Psychological, emotional, spiritual
Unlimited in number, but limited in capacity
Determined by the groups of which we are part of
They continuously compete with each other
They complement each other
o Satisfier: anything that extinguish the human need.
o The value problem: appreciation that each subject make of the capacity that a good or service has to satisfy its needs
Failed theories:
• Law of exchange reciprocity
• Value-Work theory
• Scarcity or rarity
• Total cost, and, or replacement cost
Theories that explain value subjectively
• The Austrian school: one´s man garbage is another man´s treasure
• Imputation theory: the value is assigned by people, meaning its subjective.
Scarcity: nothing is free
• TINSTAAFL: there is no such thing as free lunch
• 3 questions:
o How to produce?
o What to produce?
o For whom to produce?
• Factors of production:
o Land
Fixed or limited in supply
+ population= + scarcity
o Capital
Result of production for practical reasons
• Capital good: tools, equipment, machinery and infrastructure
• Financial capital: money used to buy tools and equipment used in production
o Labor
People, with their efforts, abilities and skills
o Entrepreneurs
Innovators, creators of new sources of business
Economic system
• Organization by which whom man search to produce, trade and consume a greater number of goods and services
• History
o Primitive communism
o Slavery
o Feudalism
o Capitalism
o Socialism
o Mixed systems: invalid
• Concerns
o What to produce?
o How to produce?
o For whom to produce?
o Why produce?
• Traditional:
o Based on cultural economies (indigenous communities)
o Disadvantages: no room for innovation
• Centrally planned economies
o A central authority makes decisions
o North korea and cuba
o Advantages: ability to change swiftly