Suma De Cuatro Primos
Enviado por anin • 3 de Abril de 2013 • 256 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 310 Visitas
Prime number: Is an integer larger than 1 which is divisible by no positive integers other than
1 and itself.
Waring's prime number conjecture: states that every odd integer exceeding 3 is either a
prime number or the sum of three prime numbers.
Goldbach's conjecture: Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of
two primes.
Task: Find a way to express a given integer as the sum of exactly 4 primes.
Each input case consists of one integer n (1 . n . 1000) on its own line. Input is terminated by
end of file.
Each input n will generate one line of output. The output line should start with the number n :
followed by a space. If there is no solution to the problem, the rest of the line should
contain No possible. If there is a solution, the rest of the line should contain the four prime
numbers that sum up to n. There should be one blank space between each pair of prime
24: 3 11 3 7
12: 2 2 3 5
36: 3 7 13 13
7: No possible
46: 11 11 17 7
1. La tarea debe ser realizada a lo mas por dos personas.
2. La fecha maxima de entrega (via correo electronico al ayudante) es el dia jueves 28
de marzo de 2013 hasta las 23:59 horas.
3. El archivo fuente debe ser grabado con sus apellidos:
4. Debe agregar comentarios indicando que cada parte del codigo.
5. Se calificara con nota minima cuando: sea plagiado, o no cumpla la hora ni fecha de
entrega, o no compile.
6. No puede utilizar cadena de caracteres ni string.