- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  22 de Agosto de 2016  •  Trabajo  •  399 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  279 Visitas

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Practice the approach of a hypothesis from obsevations of the function of the mysterious apparatus.


The first step of an scientific method is the observation; which we apply it in the approach of the hypothesis.

The process consists of determine the function of the mysterious apparatus.

The apparatus had some caracteristics, it consists of 2 black pots, they where stealed and the cap of each pot   had a tube, this tube conects both of the pots, and there was another tube which was conected to the first pot in one side and the other side was above a funnel which this funnel was sealed to the cap of the second pot.


¿How does the mysterious apparatus work?


* 2 black pots of 3.8 liters approx

* 2 caps with a hole in each one

* 1 funnel

* 1 m of tuve approx


-observe the function or how is the mysterious apparatus

-the mysterious apparatus consit of 2 black pots, they where stealed and the cap of each pot   had a tube, this tube conects both of the pots, and there was another tube which was conected to the first pot in one side and the other side was above a funnel which this funnel was sealed to the cap of the second pot.

-set up 4 hypothesis that explain teh function or the use of it


  • Hypothesis: the pressure of the aire, and the lack of water from the other pot, makes the water travels from one pot to the other.

  • Correct Hypothesis: air move the water and the water moves the air.

  • How it Works: the size of the tube affects the currency of the water as the same as the air, that also pass to the other pot, because of the pressure and because of the height of the containers. air move the water and the water moves the air.


We had difficulties about the obtaining of the correct hypothesis. It was difficult to match and think about reasons of the function of the apparatus using just the knowledge that we had about it and also using the knowledge we have about laws of gravity etc.


In the science it´s been essential the questionig about things and the creation of hypothesis so we can match rules with the observations and then we can test the hypothesis and get to the correct answer of the thing we are questionig about.


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