Online Education during Quarantine
Enviado por adrilanci • 25 de Julio de 2023 • Ensayo • 359 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 37 Visitas
Online Education during Quarantine
The challenge of education during the quarantine has provided an alternative to continue schoolling with online classes. In practice, teachers and students were overwhelmed at the beginning trying to use and understand new eLearning platforms. It is known that people’s internet connection is the main problem faced by the educational community but it is not the only one. Among others, students have to face a more independent way of learning.
With respect to online classes, it is known that there are many ways to carry out them. For that reason, teachers had to explore the different varieties, such as Zoom or Google Meet, in order to choose the most suitable for the community that they belong to. It is a fact that the majority of the educators were not used to using technology in their classes, so they were forced to learn by doing. Despite the fact that students were used to managing technology, they had to adapt to a new way to take classes. At the beginning of the quarantine was planned for a few weeks but it was longer.
The main disadvantage of the online classes was the lack of internet connection or the lack of proper technological devices at teacher’s and students’homes. However, another difficulty is that some learners and their families do not show interest at the time of engaged in school activities. Not only cannot some students connect to online classes because of technical problems but also because they do not feel motivated to join the classes. The majority of the learners are on their own, since they do not have family support, especially, the ones who are in secondary school.
As was previously stated, the social distancing faced the school community to the challenge of virtual education. At the same time students, teachers and parents were forced to adapt in a short period of time to new ways of teaching and learning . What is more, they had to depend on their internet connection and their old devices to attend or to give classes. The whole community is making a great effort to maintain the education into the frame of virtuality.