- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Activity 10 - Global Culture 1

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Activity 10 - Global Culture l

  1. Fill in and Answer the questions with your opinion 
  2. Considering all this determine at least 5 clear goals to achieve or improve your cultural awareness in the four categories presented below
  1. What are you going to start doing?
  • I´m going to start researching in magazines and being respectful about the facts stated in the magazine.
  • Going to start dissecting facts and see how true they are.
  • Going to start blogs about countries I want to know about, and have native people from there answer and give me their opinion.
  • Start events to appreciate cultures.
  • Start living more like a culture I think will make me better at what I do.
  1. What are you going to do more of? 
  • I´m going to do more research about any country every day and try to learn something new about it.
  • I´m going to ask more foreign friends I know about traditions or cultural facts of their country.
  • Going to start doing some traditions that I learn, and see what all is about.
  • Appreciate cultures and traditions.
  • Research more cultural magazines.
  1. What are you going to do less?
  • I´m going to be more aware of fake web pages that can handle fake news and give me wrong facts about a country I´m trying to learn about.
  • I´m going to pay less attention to videos with fake facts and will be aware of them, and avoid seeing them.
  • Hate less about traditions I don´t agree or care about other countries.
  • Imitating people from other countries.
  • Pretend I know more facts about I country than a native person.
  1. What are you going to stop doing?
  • Stop disagreeing with their thoughts and facts I read about.
  • Not respecting more their thoughts and likings.
  • Mocking cultures and their traditions.
  • Laughing about any country´s stereotypes.
  • Seeing or believing comments or stereotypes that I see about any country.

  1. Make sure your objectives are clear and concise, and are related to specific actions, behavior or learning opportunities. 
  2. You may use the table below to map out your goals.

Personal Action Plan for Cultural Awareness

What are you going to start doing?

What are you going to do more of?

Start searching and researching about:

  • Magazines
  • Blogs
  • Events
  • Learn

Do more:

  • Research
  • Appreciation
  • Asking
  • Foreign Traditions

What are you going to do less?

What are you going to stop doing?

Do less:

  • Imitation
  • Pretention
  • Pay less attention to fake facts


  • Mocking
  • Stereotyping
  • Hating
  • Laughing


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