- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Esquema present simple

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1º SIMPLE PRESENT ( PRESENTE SIMPLE ) - Se forma : Afirmativo : suj + verb + -s / -es ( cuando el verbo termina en : o , sh , ch, ss) Negativa : suj + don't / doesn't ( tercera persona singular) + verbo en infinitivo Interrogativa : do /does + suj + verb en infinitivo - USOS : Se usa cuando hablamos de hábitos o rutinas . Suele ir acompañado de los adverbios de frecuencia : usually, always, often , sometimes etc. E.g. : She usually gets up at 7 o'clock My mother doesn't cook at weekend Do you often read ?

2º PRESENT CONTINUOUS ( Presente Continuo ) - Se forma : Afirmativo : suj + am /are / is + verb + -ing Negativa : suj + am not / aren't / isn't + verb + ing. Interrogativa : Am /are / is + sujeto + verb + ing . - USOS : S e usa para hablar sobre acciones que estamos realizando en el momento de hablar . Suele ir acompañado de adverbios de tiempo como : at this moment , right now, now etc. E.g. : She is giving a lesson at the moment Are you doing your homework now? 2 3º SIMPLE PAST ( Pasado Simple) - Se forma : Afirmativa : suj + verbo + -ed ( si el verbo es regular)/ Suj + segunda columna de verbos irregulares : he worked / he came Negativa : suj + didn't + verbo en infinitivo si el verbo es regular / suj+ didn't + verbo en la 1º columna : she didn't work / he didn't come Interrogativa : Did + sujeto + verb ( en infinitivo si es regular / o la primera columna si es irregular ) Did she study yesterday ? / Did he go to the station yesterday ? -USOS : 1- Para hablar sobre acciones terminadas en el pasado . E.g. She came to the office yesterday morning 2º - Para hablar sobre acciones consecutivas (que ocurrieron una detrás de otra en el pasado ) E.g. : He had breakfast , took his jacket and left . 3º Después de WHEN para introducir una acción corta que interrupe a otra que se estaba realizando : E.g.: I was walking WHEN it started to rain - Suele ir acompañado de los siguientes adverbios de tiempo : Ago ( siempre al final de la oración ) , yesterday, Last month , last year , last week ) E.g. I saw Richard a year ago ./ She was in London last month

4º PAST CONTINUOUS ( PASADO CONTINUO) -Se forma : Afirmativa : sujeto + was (1st person singular and 3rd person singular ) or Were + verb + - ing. 3 Negativa : suj + wasn't / weren't + verb + - ing. Interrogative : Was /were + sujetoo + verb + ing E.g. : She was cooking / We weren't playing / Were you doing the exercises? USOS : 1º Para hablar sobre una acción incompleta que se estaba realizando : At 10 o'clock She was cooking dinner . 2º Una acción incompleta interrumpida por otra más corta ( WHEN) She was drawing when her father got home La acción larga suele ir precedida de WHILE OR AS y la corta por WHEN While she was reading the phone rang / As she was reading the phone rang 3º Para dos acciones incompletas que se estaban realizando al mismo tiempo en el pasado ( suele llevar WHILE - AS ) While Jane was reading her husband was cooking


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