- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Mi conexión al mundo en otra lengua II

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                    Preparatoria No.2


Mi conexión al mundo en otra lengua II

Etapa 2


Team 1

  • Aguilar Mora Karla Itzel…………………………………2046643
  • Alvarado Saade Verónica Alexa……………………….2039634
  • Alvarez Morales Jimena………………………………...2046615
  • Amador Castillo Natalia Rebeca……………………….2046449
  • Bernal Sotelo Nancy Selene……………………………2041656
  • Calvillo Juárez Edgar Isaí……………………………….2047045
  • Carranza Avalos Diego Enrique………………………..2047262

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The telephone is a device designed for communication between people, however, it is not always used in this way. the phone or cell phone has functions such as the use of different applications, these applications are designed to entertain and be interesting for the viewer.[pic 8]

In my view, the cell phone has a very important function because it can be used for better or for worse, that is, we can use it to learn and stay informed or to waste time. 

On the other hand, another source of communication is the internet, it also has the function of imparting information and knowledge, but in the same way it has its bitter side.

In particular, the internet is like a double-edged sword, like social networks, this is because when we are constantly using this source of communication, we forget that everything is registered, all our movements and searches, also what we publish Through this source, it is saved on the network.

The Internet and the telephone or cell phone have a very marked similarity, this means that both are sources of communication and have an important contribution to the daily life of the human being.[pic 9]

What stands out in relation to these communication sources is that both are informative and entertaining, on the internet you can find whatever interests you, this communication platform gives the assurance of searching and investigating any situation wherever you are and whenever you need.

In the cell phone, as already mentioned, there are applications such as social networks, and from these social networks you can find information about what you are interested in knowing.

In the previous communication sources you can also find commercial or informative programs, these can be exclusively or socially, for the whole public.


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