- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Enviado por   •  2 de Septiembre de 2023  •  Trabajo  •  476 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  55 Visitas

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[pic 1]HELL O[pic 2]

Miss. Durand

  • terrific[pic 3][pic 4]

  • beautiful
  • cool
  • fantastic

Announcer: Hello listeners. Welcome to Radio.UcayaIi. It's time for some good”news and we want ”to hear from you. Call us and”tell us about people o.ut there who .are doi”ng wonderful th”ings for our count”ry.[pic 5][pic 6]

Announcers H.e\\o! Ca”n yo.u EéII us your nam.e:.and where yo.u are fro.m? Betty: Nr. My na”me is.Betty: I’m 15 yéars:”.oIcI and l. am from. San BafaeI. Announcer: Who clo you want to tell us .ab.out?

Betty: I want to tell you about Miss :Ka”rol. She is a .teache”r ih San Rafael and”.sh”e: is” 30        year's bld..She’s making.a”big”enc.e. in”.our eomm.unity. She is. heIpin”g kids and tdeñagérs study

.an”d Ie” arri”” m ”or”e.

Announcer: tnteres.ting!

Be”tty:   We don”’t  ”have goo”d internet.o”r” TV in” o.ur  village. So,”.she  is usin”g a Io”u” dspeaker ”to broadcast.the lesson”s””from the r” all of”the students.  She wo”rks with at.I a.I us to  make sure we understa”nd our” lessons. S.he's”a”mazing”!

Announcer: fa.r te.IIing us about your teacher. She cle”finiteIy  is” a”.PffifMVi”an hero!

Betty: That’s”” right!.

[pic 7]

[pic 8][pic 9][pic 10]

[pic 11]


30 years old

San Rafael, Ucayali

study        learn

Richard and Jessica 16 and 14 years old Pucallpa, Ucayali

math        science


[pic 12][pic 13]

loudspeaker        country


[pic 14][pic 15][pic 16]        [pic 17]        [pic 18][pic 19][pic 20][pic 21][pic 22][pic 23][pic 24][pic 25][pic 26][pic 27][pic 28][pic 29][pic 30][pic 31][pic 32][pic 33][pic 34]

Present Continuous


She/he/it You/we/they

am is


Verb        -ing

She is brushing her teeth.[pic 35]

Mike / have a shower

[pic 36]

Mike is having a shower.

Kate / cook

[pic 37]

Kateis cooking.


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