- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Character Adjetives

Enviado por   •  12 de Noviembre de 2012  •  328 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  533 Visitas

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SINCERE Who tells the true about what they think or how they feel. SINCERITY

SENSIBLE Who is reasonable and shows an intelligent and practical thought. SENSIBILITY

BEAUTIFUL Who is very pleasing to your senses. BEAUTY

INTELLIGENT Who thinks clearly, understands things easily and makes good judgments or decisions. INTELLIGENCE

MOODY Whose moods change often MOOD

STUBBORN A person who refuses to listen to others and is very difficult to deal with. STUBBORNESS

SELFISH Caring only about yourself rather than about other people. SELFISHNESS

SENSITIVE Who is easily affected by physical sensations, things or people’s feelings. SENSITIVITY

IMPATIENT Who can’t wait without becoming annoyed or upset. IMPATIENCE

ANXIOUS Who is concerned or worried about something happens. ANXIETY

ARROGANT Who is rude and unpleasant because they think they are better than other people. ARROGANCE


RUDE Who is not polite and is likely to offend somebody. RUDENESS

LOYAL Who continues giving support or friendship to somebody, even in difficult times. LOYALTY

ENERGETIC Who is very enthusiastic, active and full of energy. ENERGY

CHARMING Who is attractive or pleasing to others. CHARM

OPTIMISTIC Who believes that a particular situation, or the future in general will turn out well OPTIMISM


ENVY Who feels anger and dislike toward a person because that person has something that they would like. JEALOUS


STUPID That does not show any or much intelligence STUPIDITY

INGENOUS Who believes what people say, and can not deceive other people INGENUITY

CARING Who shows kindness and concern for other people CARE

SPITEFUL That shows a desire to hurt or upset somebody SPITEFULNESS

HYPOCRITE People who do or feel the opposite of what they say and believe. HYPOCRISY

THICK-SKINNED A person who is not easily upset by criticisms or unkind comments. THICK-SKINNED

STRONG- MINDED Having strong opinions that are not easily influenced by what other people say or think. STRONG -MINDED

OUTGOING A friendly and energetic person who finds very easy and enjoyable to be with others. OUTGOING

OUTSPOKEN A person who expresses strong opinions very directly without worrying if other people are offended. OUTSPOKENENESS

SHY A person who feels a little scared when he or she is around other people, It´s a person who feels apprehension, lack of comfort experienced when he or she is in proximity to other people, or being approached by other people, not at ease in the company of others especially in new situations or with unfamiliar people. SHYNESS



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