- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Conversacion De 4 Personas

Enviado por   •  20 de Noviembre de 2013  •  409 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  567 Visitas

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mesero: puedo tomer su orden

1: si gracias. quiero la sopa del dia, pechuga de pollo en salsa roja y ensalada mixta

mesero: algo de tomar

1: vino blanco por favor

mesero: enseguida. y usted

2: yo quiero espaguetti y milanesa con papas

mesero: algo de tomar

2: un jugo de frutas

mesero: un momento y usted

3: quiero sopa de arroz con verduras y ensalada rusa con pollo

mesero: algo de tomar

3: un refresco de toronja

mesero: y usted

4: traigame unos tallarines y filete asado 3/4 con ensalada

mesero: algo de tomar

4: una jarra de agua de mango

mesero: y usted

5: sopa de verduras y arrachera con tocino y ensalada de aguacate

mesero: algo de tomar

5: un vino blanco

mesero: enseguida

mesero: esta todo bien. buen provecho

mesero: le gustaria un postre

1: si gracias yo quiero frasa con crema

2: yo quiero fruta con helado

3: para mi duraznos con crema

4: traigame un flan de vainilla

5 y a mi dulce de arroz

3: la cuenta por favor

mesero:gracias por venir vuelvan pronto

Yvette: Did you hear the bad news?

Suzy: No, what happened?

Charlie: I know the bad news! Maria's Restaurant is closing today!

Tom: You mean, where I used to eat lunch and dinner every weekend?

Yvette: Yes, that's it! I remember I used to eat there when I was a little girl. I used to go with my mother and my aunt, and we used to talk to the waitresses.

Suzy: Oh, yes -- I used to go there, also. The waiters used to be very friendly to children. They always used to give us free ice cream!

Charlie: I felt so bad to hear that the restaurant is closing forever. I used to love the lobster dinners and fish sandwiches. Remember those?

Tom: Absolutely! I can't believe they're closing. I used to eat there on Thursdays and Fridays with my brother and his wife. We used to eat roast beef.

Yvette: How sad that they are closing. I used to enjoy the baked ham with carrots and potatoes.

Suzy: I don't know why the restaurant is closing. It's such a wonderful place to eat.

Charlie: I know the reason. Their prices used to be very cheap, but now the prices are too high, and people can't afford to eat there.

Tom: I used to think their prices would never change. But I suppose everything changes eventually. Oh well, we'll just have to eat at McDonald's from now on.


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