DRACULA Do you believe in destiny?
Enviado por TPAN • 7 de Julio de 2016 • Ensayo • 971 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 354 Visitas
DRACULA Do you believe in destiny?
That even the powers of time... can be altered for a single purpose? The luckiest man
who walks on this Earth... is the one who finds...true love.
HARKER You found Mina. I thought she was lost. We're to be married as soon as I return. Are you married, Count?
Dracula I was married once. Ages ago, it seems. She died.
HARKER I'm very sorry.
Dracula Come. Write now, my friend, to your firm... and to any loved ones, and say that it shall please you... to stay with me... until a month from now.
HARKER A month? Do you wish me to stay so long?
DRACULA I will take no refusal. Jajajaja
MinA I know Jonathan does not want me to stay here with Lucy while he is away.
Lucy Minaaa oh, Mina, you're always working. Lets Go Mina.. go to the party ( aparece Quincy)
Lucy ooo Quincey Darling
Quincey Why, you're as fresh as the spring rain.
Lucy Oh, thank you. Please let me touch it. It's so big. (saca espada y rie)
Quincey ooh, my dear, sweet little girl. ( Despues entra Jack )
Lucy Oh, Jack, my darling (jack tropieza y cae )Poor little baby. My kitten, come over here. Come over here and I'll kiss it better. My poor little blossom. My poor little doctor. Brilliant doctor.
Jack Hello Quincey
Quincey Jack (entra Arthur)
Lucy Arthur Oh, my darling.
Arthur Oh, you look wonderful - Charming.
Lucy- It's my Snake dress.
Arthur im according
Mina: (observa y dice )Lucy is a pure and virtuous girl...
Narrator:30th May, Castle Dracula.
Harcker The count... the way he looked at Mina's picture fills me with dread... as if I have a part to play in a story that is not known to me. I did as Dracula instructed. I wrote three letters. To the firm, to my family and to my beloved Mina. I said nothing of my fears as he will read them, no doubt. I know now that I am a prisoner.
Mina (Lee la carta) "Dearest Mina, all is well here." The count has insisted
I remain for a month... to tutor him in English custom.
I can say no more, except I love you. "Ever faithful, Jonathan." Lucy llega emocionada
Lucy I love him! I love him! It's so wonderful. I've decided. I love him and I've said yes.
Mina Finally. Don't tell me the doctor
Lucy: ohh no too mi dear number three Lord Arthur Holmwood. Lord and Lady Holmwood.
Mina: Iam sorry I gotta go
Dracula muerde a Lucy
Dracula las observa y mina sale de la escena, hipnotiza a Lucy y despues la muerde.
Dracula See me. See me now. (mina lo ve pero sigue caminando chocan ) My humblest apologies.
Forgive my ignorance. I am recently arrivedfrom abroad...and I do not know your city.- Is a beautiful lady...
Mina - A street atlas is sixpence. Good day.
Dracula I have offended you. I am only looking for the cinematograph I understand it is a wonder of the civilized world.
Mina If you seek culture, then visit a museum. London is filled with them.
Excuse me. (mina se va )
Dracula Let me introduce myself, I am Prince Vlad of Sagite,