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Monday 19 September, 2016[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3][pic 4][pic 5][pic 6]

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Mexico's state Pemex announced Tuesday the discovery of six oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico, of which two are super light crude in deep water and the other four light oil in shallow waters.

The company, fighting a steady decline in its hydrocarbon production, also announced it plans to drill 30 exploration wells in 2017.

A spokesman for the oil company said the findings were a couple of months ago but before announcing "had to quantify reserves and ensure their commercial viability."[pic 8]

Pemex said that in the Perdido fold belt-in ultradeep waters of the Gulf of Mexico was drilled Nobilis-1 well is located 220 kilometers off the coast of Tamaulipas state, with a water depth of 3.000 meters and a total depth of more than six kilometers.

"The goal was fully accomplished at two oilfields discovered more than 40 degrees API gravity, on the eastern flank of Maximino field," Pemex said in a statement.

The company said the main deposit located Nobilis has the largest oil impregnated thickness so far been identified in that area.

"Its production capacity could reach 15,000 barrels per day and based on the studies carried total 3P reserves ranging between 140 and 160 million barrels of oil equivalent (PCE) oil are estimated" he said.

Moreover, Pemex announced it discovered light oil and gas condensate in the Teak-1 well, located 30 kilometers from the coast between dreams states of Veracruz and Tabasco, with a water depth of 44 meters. Total 3P reserves are estimated between 50 and 60 million scf. 

"The depth range in the marine crust of the well is located between 2.750 and 3.400 meters and could produce about 7,000 barrels per day," said the company, adding that plans to drill 30 exploration wells in 2017.[pic 9]

Pemex, which has drastically cut its budget by falling oil prices, said it will allocate most of your investments to areas where they are more likely to find liquid hydrocarbons.

The state estimates its average production 1.9 million barrels per day in 2017 its lowest level since 1980 due to budget cuts to being subjected.

        Monday 19 September, 2016[pic 10][pic 11][pic 12][pic 13][pic 14]

THE BAÑEZA, AREA 11 Zamora saved a point against La Bañeza in the final stretch of the match after match (1-1) a meeting that had put uphill from 60 minutes when Ramon, who only took three minutes the pitch, beat the goal defended by Miguel. [pic 15]

Miguel Losada team down to sixth but remains with the same points as fourth-placed in the struggle for the play off places.

After saving both teams a minute of silence for the death of Juan de Mena, founder of CD Zamarat, the game started with the home side in control and looking Zamora goal, giving his first warning after 7 minutes when Pablo Martínez controlled a deep cross and planted just before the goal defended by Miguel but his shot missed the right post adjusted the visitors goal. 

After this local touch visitors were more cautious and Ferrous in defense, which prevented the bañezanos from approaching real danger to the visitors' goal, but 39 minutes was Alvaro who tried, but his shot went over the bar, reaching the break with the draw no initial goals.[pic 16]

After passing through changing the decor has not changed. The Bañeza continued to control the match against a Zamora who defended much order and tried to surprise the backlash.

However, 60 minutes reach the first goal. Ramon received the ball throw and, after controlling the ball, finished off the bottom of the zamoranas meshes. It was 1-0.

As the final whistle approached, the purple set began taking defensive precautions, which facilitated the work of a Zamora who had barely troubled the goal defended by Sanchez.

However, in 86 minutes the goal of equal zamorana come. Revidiego failed in his attempt to throw a corner kick after his team, getting the ball to Juanan for rematase the back of the net. Was the 1-1 which ultimately would be final.

In short, worked Zamora tie against a La Bañeza that deserved more, but football does not understand justice and zamoranos were more accurate than the rival bañezanos to extract oil from their only goal scoring chance.


        Monday 19 September, 2016[pic 17][pic 18][pic 19][pic 20]

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Zamora, Mich., September 16, 2016.- With the participation of about 80 contingents of primary level educational institutions and the military sector, was held the traditional civic parade to mark the 206 anniversary of the Struggle for Independence of Mexico, whose march was led by the mayor, José Carlos Lugo Godinez and members of his cabinet and staff.[pic 23]

 The event began minutes before 10:00 am at the Glorieta May 5, where the tour began contingent, with honors to the National flag, in which all participants Bodyguards discovered Teaches Tricolor, with touches ordinance Band of the 17th Infantry Battalion. 


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