Enviado por jorgepibe • 29 de Junio de 2014 • 3.107 Palabras (13 Páginas) • 195 Visitas
MARCH 2014 - AUGUST 2014
How stress influences on learning English process in parallel freshman level "D".
To set the determinants of stress that influences the learning process and academic performance of students in first level of English parallel D.
Identify stressors that exist in students Identify how stress affects Introduce different types of diseases that stress can bring the student does not know whether control.
Today, our current perceived threats and resulting anxieties have taken a complete shift. Medical student stressors typically consist of worry over perceived low grades, disappointing a supervisor, or not doing well on an interview. These are hardly life-threatening events, but still create the same biological response imbedded in our genetic programming, as we view these events as threatening to our ego, personal identity, and future career plans.
When our brains see something as threatening, we respond with sympathetic releases of cortisol and glucosteroids that affect our blood pressure, heart rate, and blood flow.
One of the most common challenges for medical students is adjusting and developing their test-taking abilities. Many students develop what is commonly known as the “Imposter Phenomenon.” Under this, students often experience concern that they study and study the night before a class, but struggle with retaining their readings and preparations. They commonly fear there is something seriously wrong because their high school and undergraduate schooling was relatively effortless for them. They are studying harder and learning less. When exams approach, they blank out and struggle to remember information that would allow them to make proper decisions on their tests. All of a sudden, they are not “good test-takers”–an unnerving problem not countered before.
It has also been found that individuals experiencing moments of extreme anxiety, such as during medical school examinations, often hyperventilate. Research also proposes that those who suffer chronic anxiety and stress responses over time are prone to shallow breathing, which more easily engages the flight or fight response. During hyperventilation, confusion is not unusual and retrieval of learned information and concentration is compromised. In addition, nausea, dizziness, and other uncomfortable symptoms can distract you from performing your best during exam time. By staying aware of the symptoms and the possibility of chronic hyperventilation, you can improve your memory, concentration and recall simply by learning how to engage your relaxation response.
This present work on the subject stress, which is a latent problem today.
It comes with the intention of having a broad overview of stress, as the causes that provoke the consequences that will cause, the different ways to get ahead, blend which is currently important to know but try not to get involved in it so much as it is one of the main negative factors do have a life with no worries and lead a normal life.
People need to have a degree of quality of life and the pressures, anxieties, daily routine etc. Are extenuating factors to human life and this makes the mortality rate is at an earlier age.
All people are used to meet its goals and objectives in life but something that is never taken into account is that to achieve this problems , exhaustion , pressure, lack of appetite, etc. are derived. Which are very important factors to develop a perfect daily activities.
It's good to want and strive to be successful people in any area, but we must know how to manage our time, to know and be aware when we take a break and when we work so eager to realize and be clear what the main reason for our existence.
Stress (stress English, 'voltage') is a physiological reaction in the body that come into play various defense mechanisms to deal with a situation that is perceived as threatening or increased demand.
Symptom caused by a problem situation, the symptoms are some notable as nervousness (Shivering) or fidgeting. Others are not as noticeable as increased heart rate, dilated pupils, sweating, the skin becomes ribose and the hairs on the skin (like arms or legs) bristle.
The body's reaction is characterized by closely mixed neuroendocrine changes that bring into play the hypothalamus (emotion center of the brain) and the pituitary and adrenal (center reactivity) glands. This reaction is the normal response to a specific agent occurs in any individual subjected to an assault.
Stress is a natural and necessary response to survival, despite which today is confused with pathology. This confusion is because this defense mechanism may end up under certain circumstances in certain common ways of life, triggering serious health problems.
When this natural response is given in excess overload stress affects the human body and causes the appearance of diseases and pathological abnormalities that prevent normal development and functioning of the human body produces. Examples include forgetfulness (emerging memory problems), 1 alterations in mood, 2 nervousness and lack of concentration in women can cause significant hormonal changes such as lower abdominal pain, among other symptoms.
Chronic stress associated with anxiety disorders, 3 which is a normal reaction to various situations in life, but when present in excessive or chronic constitutes disease4 can alter the lives of people, it is advisable in this case to a specialist.
Lead a life of stress has various implications. On one side are all physiological abnormalities, and other complications are emotional order. Stress is an element that increases the sense of grievance in social, family and labor relations at the same time appearing as a tool of distortion of reality. Living under stress, then, involves not only a physical impairment but also psychological and relational.
In the 30-Hans Selye son Hugo Selye-Austrian surgeon, then a medical student at the University of Prague, noted that all the patients who studied, regardless of the disease they suffered, had common symptoms: fatigue, loss of appetite , drop weight and fatigue, among others. Therefore, Selye called this collection of symptoms syndrome sick.
In 1950 he published