- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Main News

Enviado por   •  24 de Agosto de 2014  •  241 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  221 Visitas

Main News

1) A diamond was stolen By a girl in Bogota

2) A criminal band was captured By the pólice in cali


1) Falcao was seriously injured By the goalkeeper of real Madrid

2) Santa fe was completely eliminated of bridgestone cup By nacional of Paraguay.

Welcome to the news 'ccd' today the main news are

First: A diamond was stolen By a girl in Bogota when the owner closed the jewelry forgetting to set the alarm and the girl saw the opportunity to steal the diamond, fortunately the cameras have the image of the girl and the police are looking for her and the diamond in the city.

Second: A criminal band was captured By the pólice in cali the criminal band was engaged in stealing empty apartments during times of festivities in cali, were captured by the announcement of a security guard in the area.


First : Falcao was seriously injured By the goalkeeper of real Madrid when the Tiger of Santa Marta is about to kick the ball and the goalkeeper iker casillas of real madrid, abruptly hit him in the knee and caused a cruciate ligament injury. That probably would leave out of the World Cup.

Second: Santa fe was completely eliminated of bridgestone cup By nacional of Paraguay. the best team in Colombia was eliminated by a Paraguayan team

that was better in every respect, the Colombian team will stand the game but at the last minute very strong shot broke the silence in the stadium.


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