- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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The issue that now we talk about working conditions because it is necessary to know them to improve our work and also know our rights as employees.

Working conditions

The general conditions of work are the set of obligations and rights that are mutually imposed, workers and employers under their relations (Hector Santos Azuela).

Working conditions in no case be lower than those specified in this Act and shall be proportionate to the importance of services and equal for equal work, without being able to establish differences based on race, nationality, sex, age, religion or political opinions, except the categories expressly set forth in this Law (art. 56 LFT)

The worker may request the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration changing working conditions when wages are not remunerative or excessive working hours or attend economic circumstances justify it. The employer may request the amendment when economic circumstances concur that justify it (art. 57 LFT).

3.2. Working day

Workday is the time during which the worker is available to the employer to provide his work (art. 58 LFT)

3.3. Type of workday

Day shift is between six and twenty hours.

Night shift is between twenty and six hours.

Is the day mixed comprising periods of the day and night hours, provided that the night period is less than three hours, because if includes three and a half or more, night work (art. 60 LFT) shall be deemed.

3.4. Time and duration of the working day

The maximum duration of the day will be: eight hours a day, seven the night and seven hours and mixed media (art 61 LFT.).

During continuous workday be granted the worker a half-hour break, at least (art. 63 LFT).

You can also extend the workday by extraordinary circumstances; never exceed three hours a day or three times a week (art. 66 LFT).

The hours of overtime work will be paid one hundred percent of the salary corresponding to the hours of the day (art. 67 LFT).

The extension of overtime exceeding nine hours a week obliges the employer to pay the worker over time with two hundred percent of the salary corresponding to the hours of the day, subject to the penalties provided in this Act (art. 68 LFT).

3.5. Rest days, holidays and vacation pay

3.5.1. Days off

For every six days of work the employee will enjoy a day of rest, at least, with full pay (art. 69 LFT).

In jobs requiring continuous work, workers and shall agree on the days when workers should enjoy the weekly rest (art. 70 LFT) pattern.

Workers who serve on Sunday are entitled to an additional premium of twenty-five percent, at least, on the wages of ordinary working days (art. 71 LFT).

Workers are not required to serve on their days off. If this provision is breached, the employer shall pay the worker regardless of salary due to him for the rest, a double salary for the service (art. 73 LFT).

They are mandatory holidays:


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