Repaso Gramatica MII
Enviado por cristinareyes26 • 29 de Octubre de 2013 • 269 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 263 Visitas
1) Forma 3 oraciones usando “used to” comparando hábitos en el pasado con acciones actuales. Subraya los verbos.
A long time ago, Julie used to eat lunch at home, now she eats in restaurants.
I used to watch television every day, now I read.
1. A long time ago, Oscar used to sing at home, now he sings in a karaoke bar.
2. Thalia used to be the most popular female singer, currently Paulina Rubio is the most popular.
3. I used to sing to my daughter when she was little, now she is an adult and she sings to her daughter.
2) Forma 3 oraciones expresando causa y efecto usando “if + presente simple” con “will +verbo”
Subraya “if + presente simple” y “will + verbo”
If I go to sleep early tonight, I will feel good tomorrow.
If you come to my house, you will meet my parents.
1. If you go to the night club, you will meet your best friend.
2. If I learn English, I will teach English classes.
3. If Ulises and Paulina get married, they will have beautiful children.
3) Forma 3 oraciones usando verbos compuestos. Escoge tres de la siguiente lista: break down , call back, call off, check out, cross out, fill out, figure out, put on, sit down, turn off, take after
Subraya los verbos compuestos.
Please turn on the lights, I can’t see the pages.
I ran out of milk, I need to buy more.
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