Enviado por dl015600 • 18 de Diciembre de 2013 • 2.368 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 219 Visitas
Introduction what is the strategy for the literal reading comprehension?
Using concept maps in which we can go putting the most relevant reading things, so that in this way the reading message they understand.
What is the last step in the procedure for the literal reading?
Verification is always our last step in any procedure.It helps us build better ideas since we always try to identify and correct possible errors.
What is the penultimate step of the procedure for the literal reading?
Do the advantages put him a text message in a reader's own words?
The reading comprehension
In the previous lesson practices writings were summaries of the texts read. In this lesson, we will review the process of writing,
Practice Process
Consider the following schema organization
In the world
The big variety
of high and colors
Family Oquidacea
Epiphytes terrestrial
Female reproductive organ or
gynoecium consists of a pistil 3
carpels, ovary and 3 stigmas
Androceo reproductive male organ Goblet of three green sepals, color
or with one or two yarns, Corolla three petals, two side
composed of a column, anther and one center called lip
andpollen waxy polinias
We have a scheme of organization of the type of variables and characteristics as those who have already studied previously. The main theme of the scheme that apparent orchid flower.
This can deduct it because it is the core content of the diagram. Now, we can ask ourselves, are we talking orchids on things?
Yes, because the scheme is divided into three sections
We note that all that is said is grouped into three subtopics: features, types and parts of orchids. What are knowledge about orchids? Do you have a particular or generic character?
We serve to provide information in the general form of the theme
This knowledge serves to inform generally about orchids. For example, we did not specifically discuss the marketing of orchids, not the culture, not the endangered plant.
If we set ourselves to do a writing based on the scheme of organization, the title could be "The orchids". Based on the information of the organization scheme propose drawing up three paragraphs, one for each of the sub-items. We must first talk about the General characteristics of the plant, after the plant and finally the details of flower types. The writing would be as follows:
Orchids, which are the flowers of the plant of the same name, are considered one of the most beautiful of our planet. These plants belong to the family of orchids. The flowers come in variety sizes and colors, are scattered all over the planet, and there are approximately 20.000especies.
There are two types of orchid plants. These are being developed land on earth, and epiphytes, which are plants with aerial roots, which grow on the trunks of trees. Orchids, some are plants that grow in the sun, while others make the shade.
The orchid flowers have a calyx, corolla and reproductive organs. The cup is formed of three sepals, two side and a medium called lip. The androecium or the male reproductive organ has one or two stamens, consisting of a column, anther and pollen waxy pollinate. Moreover, the female reproductive organ or gynoecium is constituted by a composite three Capelos pistil, ovary and three stigmas.
Very well. We have written. Now we need to verify before including the product. The brief includes all items listed in the scheme of organization. The letter adds something new. The reference to the world of orchid’s sun is in addition to the points made in the scheme, but it is a verifiable supplement that complements the nature of the ideas expressed in the map. Thus, we can say that the letter is a closed synthesis because practically limited to the initial information, also, synthesis resembles a technical report or text that includes judgments of the author.
What we did can describe it as follows:
• analyze the ideas presented in the scheme.
• We decided on the structure of writing (number of paragraphs and topics of each paragraph)
• We prepare written according to scheduled.
• We verified the process and the product.
These correspond to actions or steps taken to prepare the text above. Therefore, we can associate to a procedure or strategy for word processing. However, we should note that we start from an existing schema. Generally want to write about something when the situation is not as defined as we start this year.
In real life we have or feel the need to communicate some idea. From that starting point we begin the steps of a process that leads to generate or develop a writing. This procedure is:
Process for the preparation of written
1. Election of the main theme.
Two. Election of the context in which the theme is developed.
Three. Identification of subtopics related to the topic of interest.
April. Development of the ideas that were addressed in each subtopic (subtopics in each subtopic).
May. Build an organizational scheme or concept map with the theme and sub-themes to develop.
6. Analysis of the ideas presented in the scheme and identification of causes, consequences, and relationships arising more.
7. Identify the conclusion which is expected to arrive.
8. Decision about the structure of the writing (number of paragraphs and topics of each paragraph).
9. Preparation of written according to scheduled.
10. Check the process and the product (check written to verify internal consistency).
Consider the above procedure. Observe four phases. The first, steps 1 to 5, corresponds to the definition of what we communicate. Some things we know heading; others can find it out or investigate. The product of this phase is the organizational scheme that we will use as the basis of writing we want to produce.
The second phase, consisting of the steps 6 to 8, corresponding