English In The Future
Enviado por diegogordo98 • 21 de Marzo de 2015 • 220 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 325 Visitas
I’m going to use the “one-sided” approach to give my argument about English and how it will develop through the years.
I agree with the stimulus that it is the main language right now and it dominates the world right now. But I think English will not continue later on as the main language through the years because the population will increase and the desire to change English as the main language will be higher. Many people and scientists think that Chinese will continue its predominance, with Hindi-Urdu of India and Arabic climbing past English, also a lot people think Spanish might be nearly equal to English because of all the countries that speak Spanish. Nowadays Chinese is considered as an important language in some countries and if the desire to learn other languages like Chinese or Spanish continues, English will be forgotten later on. English has been mostly spread through the world because of British colonialism, American economic and political ascendancy. But what if United Kingdom and United States stop being an important country in future? What if China, India, Brazil or a Spanish speaking country become a highly important country to make business in the future? So I think a lot of things can change in future and probably English is not a possible part for the world’s future.