Glosario De Terminos Ingles
Enviado por querubinpin • 16 de Noviembre de 2014 • 261 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 332 Visitas
1. Word: Cook
Morphological category: Noun
Meaning: Cocinero
Definition: It´s a person who cooks y prepares food or desserts
Example: I´ll go to Chiscote´s restaurant because I heard that he is a great cook
Synonym: Chef
2. Word: Pinch
Morphological category: Noun
Meaning: Pizca
Definition: It´s a way to measure the volume of an ingredient, it´s a small amount
Example: When you prepare spaghetti usually take a pinch of salt in water
Synonym: Whit
3. Word: Commuters
Morphological category: Noun
Meaning: Viajero diario al trabajo
Definition: People who travel everyday to go at work
Example: at 8 o´clock there are lots of commuters in the train
Synonym: Daily traveller
4. Word: Employer
Morphological category: Noun
Meaning: Empleador
Definition: It´s a company or a person that you work for
Example: My mother´s employer said to her that she must work the next Sunday
Synonym: Patron/company
5. Word: Flatmate
Morphological category: Noun
Meaning: Compañero de piso
Definition: A person who shares an apartment with you
Example: Your flatmate is very lazy, he doesn´t scoop up his papers
6. Word: Loyal
Morphological category: Adjetive
Meaning: Leal
Definition: A person faithful to an ideal, person, custom, cause, or duty.
Example: To be loyal is a great quality for a friend
Synonym: Faithful
7. Word: Moody
Morphological category: Adjetive
Meaning: De humor cambiante
Definition: Person who changes their mood often
Example: He´s moody because, he feels happy but at the next moment, he is angry
8. Word: Stir-fry
Morphological category: Verb
Meaning: Saltear
Definition: It´s an action to fry very quickly over high heat
Example: She is stir-fry tomatoes and onions in a pan
9. Word: Relative
Morphological category: Noun
Meaning: Pariente
Definition: It´s a member of a family
Example: I have a relative that lives in Miami
Synonym: Kinsman
10. Word: Grill
Morphological category: Verb
Meaning: Asar a la parrilla
Definition: It is the action of cooking food on a grill
Example: Last summer I roasted grilled meat
Synonym: Barbecue