Glosario De Ingles
Enviado por yoelito_1017 • 15 de Noviembre de 2014 • 731 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 237 Visitas
unemployed To not work for a particularorg.ot type of work or ind. desempleado jobless employed He has been unemployed since last year.
career A profession or ocupation chosen as one life’s work. Profesión
carrera profession - I’m hoping to have a career in medicine
skilled Has the trainig experience to do a job well. Habilidoso
cualificado trained unskilled
professional Someone who gets paid for doing a job or act. that most people do for enojyment. profesional unprofesional He turned profesional in 2001.
Boring Is not interesting in any way and makes you feel tired. aburrido Not interesting,
dull Fun
exciting I’m sleeping. It’s too boring.
dull Their life, conversation is never interesting or exciting Aburrido, apagado Boring
dim interesting The neighbour is so dull
exciting Feeling happy and full energy, especillyabut something good that is going to happened emocionante inspiring boring I’m getting exciting about the next tour.
frightening Feeling nervous and afraid of something or someone. Aterrador
Espantoso Afraid
scary Unafraid Don’t be frightened. No one will hurt you.
Fun Something exciting that you enjoy doing. divertido - boaring It’s fun to play in the pool.
Interesting You gave it your attention, becuase is unusual or exciting. interesante exciting Not exciting
boaring He is an austrouanant, very interesting.
relaxing Making you feel calm, confortable and not worried. relajante rest Worryng
stressful It was a relaxing massage.
stressful Job or situation makes you feel worried and tired all the time. estresante worryng relaxing Looking after small children can be very stressful.
terrifying Very frightening aterrador Spooky
frightened - They ad a gun. It was very terrifyingxs
aggressive Someone behaves in an angry way, seems to want to fightor argue. agresivo Violent
Brutal pacific The crowd is very aggressive with the players
cold Not effect by emotion Frio
No afectivo affectless - His mother it’s so friendly but his dad is too cold.
Friendly Behavig towards other people in way that shows you like them, you enojys being with them. Amistoso Nice
Pleasent unfriendly The local people are generally friendly
Hard-working Always working hard in your job or schoolwork Trabajo duro Lazy Melisa was a popular hardworking student.
Helpful Someone that gves you help or make it easier for you to do something Servicial
atento beneficial Unhelpful
useless Thank you, you’ve been very helpful.
Kind Someone that tries to help peolple and make them happy or comfortable Amable
considerado Generous
nice unkind The nurses were all kind.
lazy When someone does not like working Perezoso
Vago stroll Hard-working Josh didnt go well at school. He got lazy.
Stubborn Someone refuses to change their ideas or opinions. Terco
testarudo headstrong Maleable She was wrong, but she is very stubborn sometimes.