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Glosario De Ingles

Enviado por   •  9 de Julio de 2013  •  1.215 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  460 Visitas

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Lucila Guadalupe Quijano Duran

Medical Glosary

Share needles:

Sharing needles, to inject drugs, vitamins, hormones, steroids, or medicines

Compartir agujas:

Compartir agujas para inyectarse drogas, vitaminas, hormonas, esteroides o medicamentos

Sharing needles is a risk for the spread of disease.


the largest organ in animals and in humans. Is an integument, in the case of vertebrae organisms, consists of an outer layer (called epidermis) and an inner (which is called the dermis).


el órgano más grande en los animales y en los seres humanos. Se trata de un tegumento que, en el caso de los organismos con vértebras, se compone de una capa exterior (denominada epidermis) y de otra interior (que recibe el nombre de dermis).

Skin can protect the body from external aggressions


when suffering from inappropriate development of their reproductive or has gametes with defects, is used to identify that which has no production.


cuando padece un desarrollo inapropiado de su aparato reproductor o presenta gametos con defectos, Se emplea para identificar a aquello que no tiene producción.

Be sterile, is more favorable in women with 65% than men with 35%


refers to the action of destroying pathogenic organisms or sterile and infertile do something that previously was not.


refiere a la acción de destruir los gérmenes patógenos o de hacer estéril e infecundo algo que antes no lo era.

The sterilization of stray dogs is necessary to prevent uncontrolled breeding.

Swelling, swollen:

Is the enlargement of organs, skin or other parts of the body, caused by accumulation of fluid in the tissues

Hinchazón, inflamación:

Es el agrandamiento de órganos, piel u otras partes del cuerpo, causado por la acumulación de líquidos en los tejidos.

Swelling can occur throughout the body such as in the legs or feet.

Draw blood:

is a very common medical procedure (venipuncture) for the detection of possible diseases to perform appropriate analysis to the blood sample.

Extraer sangre:

es un procedimiento médico muy común (venopunción) para la detección de posibles enfermedades a efectuar un análisis adecuado de la muestra de sangre.

The extraction of blood helps to arrest a disease early.


Muscular organ located in the cavity of the mouth of vertebrates and serves to taste, swallowing and to articulate the sounds


Órgano muscular situado en la cavidad de la boca de los vertebrados y que sirve para gustar, para deglutir y para articular los sonidos.

The tongue is an organ boneless.

Blood transfusión:

is the transfer of blood or blood components from one person (donor) to another (receiver).

Transfusión de sangre:

es la transferencia de sangre o un componente sanguíneo de una persona (donante) a otra (receptor).

Donating blood helps people in need.

Transmit (infect):

Contracting a disease from contact with the germ or virus that causes it.

Transmitir (infectar):

Contraer una enfermedad por contacto con el germen o virus que la causa.

AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease.


Microorganism simple structure consisting of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and protein which needs multiply inside living cells and causes many diseases.


Microorganismo de estructura simple, constituido por ácido nucleico (ADN o ARN) y proteína, que necesita multiplicarse dentro de las células vivas y es causa de numerosas enfermedades.

The flu and AIDS are diseases caused by viruses.

Window period:

refers to a survey done to detect a specific disease, especially an infectious nature. Is the time between first infection and the time since the test can detect infection safely. In antibody-based tests, this period is dependent on the time it takes seroconversion, ie the time when the antibody status of a person changes from negative to positive.

Periodo de ventada:

refiere a un examen hecho para detectar una enfermedad en específico, particularmente de carácter infeccioso. Es el tiempo


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