- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Glosario Y Recetas De Cocina Ingles Y Español

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PREPARATION OF DRINKS………………………………..12-16



KITCHEN TOOLS………………………………………………..31-36


The next job is not to teach culinary techniques fashion, much less is a manual to be a great chef, just try to see the cuisine as a creative process, this creativity is also applied to the creation of a variety drinks, in this paper we look at some examples, we can not forget the variety of new wines that exist which will also see some samples with current market value. I also include a glossary of cooking and drinks and a list of kitchen tools. 


Rice is a lock on each table. The secret of a good bowl of rice is cooking times and water.


Basil is an herb, and as such must be present in culinary preparations as it increases the nutritional olive oil

4 people Ingredients:

• 400 gr. Round Rice

• 1 spring onion

• 12 fresh garlic

• 150 gr. pea

• 150 gr. bean

• 1 carrot

• 400 gr. Spring mushroom

• 2 cloves of garlic

• 2 tablespoons bread crumbs

• basil leaves

• water

• olive oil

• salt

• parsley


Chop the onion and fresh garlic finely and put them to fry in a pan with a little oil. Peel the carrots, and add pícala. Stir in peas and beans and cook everything for about 5 minutes. Season. Pour the water (3 parts to one part rice) and add the rice. Put a pinch of salt and cook for 15-16 minutes. Let stand.

Peel the garlic cloves, and dóralos pícalos in a pan with oil. Spring Add mushrooms, saute and season. Sprinkle with a little chopped parsley.

Divide rice into 4 containers, distributed over mushrooms and sprinkle with some breadcrumbs. Gratina in the oven for 3-4 minutes. Shred the basil leaves with a splash of oil and strain. Spray containers and garnish with a sprig of parsley.


The pizzas are insurance in any table.


To that sugar is kept in good condition should be kept in a jar tightly closed and in a cool, dry place.

4 people Ingredients:

• 8 mini pizza masses

• 100 gr. cheese

• 250 gr. mince

• 100 gr. txistorra

• 2 spring onions

• 4 green peppers

• 4 cloves of garlic

• 8 tomatoes branch

• extra virgin olive oil

• salt

• sugar

• oregano

• pepper

• parsley

Preparation: For the pepper sauce, mince 2 cloves of garlic, 1 spring onion and peppers and put them to fry in a pan with a little oil. Add a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar, place the lid and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes. Mash and strain the sauce. Reserve. Remove the ends of the tomatoes and cut into 3 slices each. Spread them on the baking sheet greased with oil. Drizzle with a little oil, sprinkle with oregano, salt and roast at 180 ° C for 10-12 minutes (preheated oven). Allowed to warm and peel them. Reserve. Chop the remaining 2 cloves garlic and one onion finely and put them to fry in a pan with oil. When well browned add the garlic sausage and fry shredded. Add minced meat and fry the whole. Salt and pepper. Extends the masses of mini pizza on baking tray lined with baking paper. Spread over each base 1-2 tablespoons pepper sauce and placed on top three tomato slices. Divide the meat between 8 mini pizzas and add a few pieces of cheese. Bake at 220 ° C for 10-12 minutes. Serve and garnish with a sprig of parsley.


Anchovies are a great source of vitamin D. With an exotic touch as the avocado salad, we have a perfect dish to surprise.


Anchovy 100g gives us the total vitamin D required for a day.

4 people Ingredients:

• 8 eggs

• 12 anchovies

• 2 cloves of garlic

• ½ red pepper

• 1 green pepper

• 2 spring onions

• 12 fresh garlic

• 2 tomatoes

• 1 avocado

• 1 cayenne chilli

• extra virgin olive oil

• salt


Finely chop 1 onion, fresh garlic and peppers (red skinned). Póchalos in a pan with oil and season. Kitchen all for about 10 minutes. Clean the anchovies, withdrawing his head, the guts and the backbone. Sálalas and trocéalas. Peel and chop the garlic cloves in foil and dóralos a little oil in a frying pan with the chilli. Add the anchovies and saute. Escúrrelas slightly.

Beat eggs 2 by 2 into 4 individual bowls. Add a pinch of salt, chopped parsley and whisk well. Divide the poached vegetables, anchovies and garlic in containers and make 4 individual omelets. For the salad, peel the tomatoes and cut into wedges. Place them in a bowl. Peel the avocado, retírale the bone and cut into wedges. Post. Peel the other onion, cut into thin strips and add it. Seasoned with oil, vinegar and salt. Serve tortillas, served with salad and garnish with a sprig of parsley (if desired).


The delicious fish whiting are very simple to prepare and easily found at fish. The recipe is very cheap and tasty, and a good source of vitamins.


The whiting fish is a highly perishable, so it is important to consume as soon as possible after purchase.

4 people Ingredients:

• whiting 4-8 (depending on size)

• 4 slices of ham

• 1 leek

• 1 red pepper

• 1 joy Rioja

• 2 cloves of garlic

• refined corn flour

• flour and beaten egg (for coating)

• water

• extra virgin olive oil

• salt


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