Glosario De Ingles Para Economia
Enviado por mikheal21 • 23 de Abril de 2013 • 504 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 675 Visitas
1.-Binding – Vinculante
Money works like a binding between people and banks
2.-Desirability – Conveniencia
He buy all the tickets for desirability
3.-Ultimates – Primordial
The ultimate aim of this presentation is to show you how global warming affects all of us
4.-Enable – Permite
The knife enabled him to cut open the box.
5.-Choose – Escoger
I choose to become an economist
6.-Awareness – conciencia/pleno conocimiento
Her awareness about the market made her a great entrepreneur
7.-Deciding – Decidir
The movement of demand curve its deciding
8.-Compatibility – compatibilidad
The control have compatibility with the Tv
9.-Social Reproduction – Reproduccion Social
Social reproduction refers to the emphasis on the structures and activities that transmit social inequality from one generation to the next
10.- a whole – como un todo
We have pay the whole ammount
11.-Abridge – Abreviar
Some words can be abridge
12.-Capitalist Entrepreneurs – Capitalistas emprendedores
Capitalist entrepeneurs search to generate earns always
13.-Seek – Buscar
We seek advise from wise teachers
14.-Elucidate – aclarar/esclarecer
We should elucidate all the topics before answer
15.-Close off
16.-Carried out – Llevando a cabo
He carried out surveys of the then-settled part of Canada, rejecting over and over again the possibility of making a fortune from the knowledge
17.-Replenished – Reabastecerce
Replenished when weeds start to grow through.
18.-Upward potential – Potencial ascendente
In Mexico, the informal trade have an upward potential
19.-Stymied – Lastimar/depreciar/dañar
The mexican money is stymied by the breakdown
20.-Plaintiff – Demandante
They made her the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit seeking to legalize abortion.
21.-Standstill – mantener estabilidad
The nations need to standstill on internal and external trade
22.-Break down – Desglosar
You could make a statement of debt, for consideration, in the event of a relationship breakdown.
23.-Output – Producción (salidas)
Economic output is the total value of what a country produces
24.-Input – Ingreso/ganancias/(entradas)
All human beings can read the sensory input around them.
25.-Gobble up – Devorar
Industries gobble up resources
26.-Forecast – Pronostico
The forecast of economic growth its better than the last years