Glosario Ingles
Enviado por jorkoke64 • 26 de Febrero de 2014 • 922 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 208 Visitas
Glossary 1
Ban: is generally, any decree that prohibits something.
Bar Association: is a professional body of lawyers.
Battlefield: The place where a battle is fought.
Cabinet: is a group of high-ranking state officials, typically consisting of the top
leaders of the executive branch.
Chief of state: is a generic term used in constitutional law, international law, political science, and diplomatic protocol when referring to the highest-ranked official position in a sovereign state, which is thus vested with powers to act as the chief public representative of that state.
Coat of arms: is a unique heraldic design on an escutcheon.
Comprise: to include.
Compulsory: required by regulations or locus.
Conquer: To gain or secure control of by or as if by force of arms.
Council: is a group of people who come together to consult, deliberate, or make decisions.
Coup: is the sudden deposition of a government.
Court: is a tribunal, often a governmental institution, with the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the rule of law.
Crest: A tuft or growth of teafhers.
Crop: is a volunteered or cultivated plant, whose product is harvested by a human at some point of its growth stage.
Currency: refers to money in any form when in actual use or circulation, as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money.
Death squad: is an armed squad that conducts extrajudicial killing.
Deputy: is a legislator in many countries.
Dictatorship: is defined as an autocratic or authoritarian form of government in which a government is ruled by either an individual: a dictator, or a small group of people, as in an oligarchy.
Excise: is an inland tax on the sale.
Fabled: Made famous in fable.
Feature: Any one of the parts of the tace.
Free trade agreement: which eliminates tariffs, import quotas, and preferences on most (if not all) goods and services traded between them.
Gatherer: To collect or be collected gradually.
Insurgency: is an armed rebellion against a constituted authority (for example, an authority recognized as such by the United Nations) when those taking part in the rebellion are not recognized as belligerents.
Landowners: a person who owns land.
Leadership: the leaders of a group.
Leftist: a member of the political Left or a person sympathetic to its views.
Overthrow: to depose, as from a position of power; overcome, defeat, or vanquish: to overthrow a tyrant.
Party: a social gathering, as of invited guests at a private home, for conversation, refreshments, entertainment, etc.: a cocktail party.
Peasantry: peasants collectively.
Perch: a pole or rod, usually horizontal, serving as a roost for birds.
Plunge: to cast or thrust forcibly or suddenly into something, as a liquid, a penetrable substance, a place, etc.; immerse; submerge: to plunge a dagger into one's heart.
Regime: a mode or system of rule or government: a dictatorial regime.
Remnant: a remaining, usually small part, quantity, number, or the like.
Revenue: the income of a government from taxation, excise duties,