Ingles Glosario
Enviado por felipe_dq • 12 de Noviembre de 2014 • 394 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 188 Visitas
El Presente Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones habituales que suceden con cierta frecuencia y no hace referencia a si está ocurriendo en el momento actual.
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I think Do I think? I do not think.
You think Do you think? You don't think.
he, she, it thinks Does he, she, it think? He, she, it doesn't think.
we think Do we think? We don't think.
you think Do you think? You don't think.
A continuación se muestran las formas afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa de este tiempo verbal:
Future Tense
El Futuro Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en el futuro sin necesidad de aclarar en qué momento se producirán. Su equivalente en el idioma español es el Futuro Imperfecto. Por ejemplo:
I will write a letter You will travel to London
He will play soccer on Saturday She will dance Tango with me
Excersise of Simple Present
1. I sometimes go to work by car.
2. Ben works in a hospital.
3. Do you like fish?
4. She doesn’t teach English.
5. Matthew never watches television.
6. Does she play football?
7. They always eat dinner at 7 o'clock.
8. We don’t live in a big house.
9. Valerie studies English at universit
10. Does he want to eat?
Excersise of Future Tense
1. He will have fished for hours by this night.
2. The kids will have broken the piano before my sister plays it.
3. I will have paid the debts by the time you get the money.
4. Before 9 o’clock, my parents will have visited me.
5. By tomorrow morning I will have advised them to stay at home.
6. By the end of the month, she will have decorated her new house.
7. I will have understood the problem by the time you explain it.
8. Before the meeting ends, he will have interrupted several times.
9. Before New Year’s Eve, a crowd of people will have gathered in the square.
10. Before he leaves the room he will have turned off the radio.
Conversation of the Professions
• John: Mark...after all, What do You do for a living?
• Mark: I'm an architect. I work for "Genius Build". And you John?.What do you do for a living?
• John: I'm a journalist. I work with my father. We have a newspaper.
• Mark: A family business, that's wonderfull. What about you mother? What does She do for a living?
• John: She is a photographer