- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Información and comunicación technologies (ICT) referring to the computer and also to the mass media (internet, tv…) are part of the culture that surrounds us, in almost all our actions are present and we must live with them, because that extend our physical and mental capacities and possibilities of social development.

In regard to these new technologies lately there is a lot of talk about the effects in the field of education and labor. Since they are very positive at the time for innovation in learning processes or work through it and help to develop this whole process. But it is not all positive but that have both advantages and disadvantages, in addition to various effects in society.

In regard to the advantages we can name: benefits in health and education; distance learning; new forms of work; marketing on the internet, less cost or less risks. But on the other hand, this tool also has negative impacts such as: the insulation, the fraud or minor Jobs

The country rose 10 places in the last ranking, mainly in access to the network for users; however, in use of the technology innovation and education in the country displays lags.

Mexico advanced 10 places in the index of innovation published by the Economic World Forum (WEF) 69 being located in the site of between 143 nations.

The frisk that gave Mexico in this ranking obeys a change in the measurements and that the effects of the reform in telecommunications will reflect until 2016.

Analysts warned that though the country should have a better global qualification, still it needs major quality in the services, minor prices and that the advances should strike to all the levels of the population.

The ranking qualifies to every nation based on nine pillars with which the WEF measures his utilization of technologies of the information. Some of these are: the political environment, the climate to do business and / or to undertake, the infrastructure; the individual use of the TIC (teconologías of information and communication), his prices, the use of the technology in the government and his economic impact.

The capacity of the country to extract profit of the TIC limits itself for the level of education,

The difficult task of innovating in Mexico

The collection of taxes as well as the environment to innovate has been emphasized as an obstacle for the enterprising ecosystem in Mexico by other dependences, as the Mexican Institute of the Competitiveness.

The economic, enemy gap of the TIC The index of the WEF highlights that those countries that more have advanced in the ranking innovation have been the developed countries, as Singapore and Finland. As the nations show economic and social gaps, these tend to go down in the list in spite of his economic, such solidity it is the case of The United States. Emergent Nations as Russia, Brazil and China, appear to the half of the ranking though the analysts of the WEF warned that in these economies, the TIC have not developed to the awaited pace. " The progress in the biggest emergent economies of the world has been enormously disappointing ",

Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) refiriéndonos  a la informática y también a los medios de comunicacion de masas (internet, televisión…) forman parte de la cultura que nos rodea, en casi todas nuestras actuaciones están presentes  y debemos convivir con ellas, ya que amplían nuestras capacidades fisicas y mentales y las posibilidades de desarrollo social.

En cuanto a estas nuevas tecnologías últimamente se habla mucho de los efectos en el ámbito educativo y laboral. Ya que son muy positivos a la hora de innovar en procesos de aprendizaje o de trabajo a través de la informática  y ayudan a desarrollar todo este proceso. Pero no es todo positivo sino que tienen tanto ventajas como desventajas, además de diversos efectos en la sociedad.

En cuanto a las ventajas podemos nombrar: beneficios en salud y educación; aprendizaje a distancia ; nuevas formas de trabajo; comercialización en internet, menos costes o menos riesgos. Pero por otra parte esta herramienta también tiene impactos negativos como: el aislamiento, el fraude o menores puestos de trabajo.

El país subió 10 lugares en el último ranking, principalmente en acceso a la red para los usuarios; sin embargo, en uso de la tecnología en innovación y educación el país muestra rezagos.


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