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Why You Should Read Chasing Lincoln's Killer In Class

Enviado por   •  29 de Noviembre de 2013  •  619 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  821 Visitas

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The book Chasing Lincoln's killer by James L. Swanson is a excellent book for those who are looking for knowledge about Lincoln's death and the persecution of his killer. The book is about the demise of the greatest president in the United States history, Abraham Lincoln, and the persecution of the assassin. This book because has really relevant information about the history of the United States.

This novel is about the demise of Abraham Lincoln and the persecution and capture of John Wilkes Booth, the actor who his last act was putting a bullet through the head of the never forgotten Abraham Lincoln, while he was at Ford's Theatre. The purpose of this book is to relate and show how John Wilkes Booth the actor whose last act was putting a bullet through the forever president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and how 12 days later he was killed by Sgt. Boston Corbett.

The book by James L. Swanson “Chasing Lincoln’s killer” has really accurate information; all the characters are real and were alive during the great manhunt of 1865. James L. Swanson did a great job in being accurate, from detailing every moment before, during and after Booth shot Lincoln “the comic line spoken by Harry Hawk, “you sockdologizing old mantrap” was followed by an explosion of laughter from the audience” another example of how accurate and detailed the book is, is this quote: “the black powder charge exploded and spit the bullet toward Lincoln’s head. The muzzle flash lighted the box for a moment like a miniature lightning bolt” (Swanson 39) and even including at what exact time the president Abraham Lincoln’s heart stopped beating “Abraham Lincoln took his last breath. His heart stopped beating at 7:22 and 10 seconds. It was over” (Swanson 102). This is great accuracy. This book has important and reliable information about the past of this country, it is relevant that all students learn about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the persecution of his killer, and also about the past of the country that with so much effort from people like the always president Abraham Lincoln was built for us.

This book should be read in all history classes because it has really valuable information, students can learn a lot from it because all the information in the book is completely accurate. Students can gain a better perspective about how the system of justice worked back then, and even how the presidential security was back in those times, and all of this apart from the main theme of the book, that is how Lincoln got demised and the persecution of the assassin John Wilkes Booth.

The author was really successful at trying to be historically accurate because all the information in the book comes from different and real sources at that time, from newspapers, letters, manuscripts, pamphlets, books and all documents that contained reliable information


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