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Why Should we hire someone from your country?

Enviado por   •  16 de Agosto de 2023  •  Ensayo  •  375 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  860 Visitas

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Why should we hire from your country?

Hi, my name is Darinka Miles, I am a Mexican woman who is applying to work at your Company. There are several reasons that I think are important for a foreign Company to hire people from my country.

Hiring foreign workers can give a lot of advantages to the Company because it will be opening the door and having access to an international pool of talent. The companies are being able to engage the best posible workers that can cover their needs. Hiring people from my country will allow the Company to extend the search radius across borders, increasing diversity by introducing foreign employees with diverse knowledge and create a multi-cultural environment.

I have noticed that mexican people feel very comfortable working for american companies. We, as mexicans, are very grateful to feel that a foreign Company is willing to give us the opportunity to show our talent and demonstrate our work skills. As we feel grateful, we do our best and our attitude is always positive.

Saving money for the Company is very important and hiring people from Mexico will be a way to do it.

Why? Because the job will be remote and having home office employees will be a way to save money. If most of the company´s team is working from home, the Company will not be paying for larger premises and that will allow them to save money on rent and utilities. Also, the Company will have an impact in their tax burden.

Remote workers are focus on their tasks because they are not in a loud environment and are not distracted by their co-workers. The employee is saving money in gasoline for their car or in paying for an uber or a taxi to get to their work. Those things give calm to the employees and help them to give their best in what they need to do.

The employees have a high pay rate so the scenario is awesome for them because their salary is higher than if they were working for a mexican company and that is a good motivation for them.

So, in conclusión, hiring people from my country will be a great deal because it will be a win-win for both parties (Company and employees).


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