- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Pack Your Bags We Are Travelling In Colombia

Enviado por   •  13 de Octubre de 2013  •  1.885 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  645 Visitas

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Colombia's capital is located between the following coordinates:

Northern latitude: 4° 35'56'' and Western Greenwich longitude: 74°04'51'' within the inter-tropical confluence zone. It produces two rain seasons; the first around March, April and May and the second on September, October and November.

It rests on he north-western extension of the Andes Mountains in a plain area with a great variety of climates, soil types, water bodies and other natural formations.

Because Bogotá is located in between mountains, these serve as a natural barrier that restrains the humidity flow, influencing rain regimes.

The temperature varies according to the months of the year. On December, January and March the temperatures are high and from April through October they are lower.

The general orientation of the city is determined by its avenues and streets; the first stretch from south to north and the second from west to east.

Its medium height is 2,600 meters above sea level.



North: Chía region

East: Eastern Mountains and La Calera, Choachí, Ubaque, Chipaque, Une and Gutiérrez regions.

South: Meta and Huila states.

West: Bogotá River and Cabrera, Venecia, San Bernardo, Arbeláez, Pasca, Sibaté, Soacha, Mosquera, Funza and Cota regions.


Having Coffee once again, sitting at The Romana, looking outsider at the pigeons that placed under the drizzle, as if 30 or 40 years had not gone by since the last time was a privilege. For a visitor that comes back it is a very pleasant surprise to find such an evolved Bogota but at the same time so "her", as always. It has changed considerably, not to stop being what it was. No. If it were not what it was, then it would have lost its charm. Let’s say that its old charm still shines with marvellous contrasts with the new.

What has arrived did not displace the thousand tones of green that surrounds its and from the plane it looks like a huge quilt. Monserrate and its excellent transportation service to the top is still romantic and has the


best view of the city. On its skirt and nearby mountains there is a path, green and very entertaining, that displays the development of the city, its growth to the north and south.

The arrival of the Transmilenio that offered a solution for public transportation, even though it has not solved the problem in its entirety, it has filled the city with projects that make it look like a great metropolis without losing its charm. The cement mixes with the green without replacing it. The projects have been designed with acceptance. There are many more pedestrian paths than before, still not enough but a great improvement.

The cycle-ways seem to come closet o their purpose of offering a transportation alternative. But of course, with the inconstant rain, riding a bike is a challenge. Bogota citizens are admired because they learned to live with the rain without changing their lifestyle or rhythm.

The parks and green zones, now managed with the great city concept that people need leisure places and fresh air, fill the city. It is a pleasure to walk by what used to be Salitre and see it has become a complex of parks, sports installations, libraries, museums, event centers, athletic clubs, etc. Seen from above, one can see how a considerable part of the central city is dedicated to the wellbeing of its inhabitants, even though it is not the only space of its kind


Visiting traditional Bogota places like Candelaria, is living thanks to those responsible for the change. One does not need a guide to notice that the San Carlos window is filled with history or to enjoy a good meal and drink at the Chorro de Quevedo Plaza.

Understanding that to describe it, here in the exterior, we can´t make comparisons since its charms are unique, it is important to highlight the commercial sector and then compare its Shopping malls and say that they have nothing to envy of those in the rest of the world. They have impressive designs and elegance, modernism, accessibility.


Just as the Andes Condor, the Orchid and the Wax Palm represent the country, Bogota has insignias that identify its sovereignty and authenticity in the city; these symbols are: the Odontoglossum luteopurpureum Lindl orchid, the Walnut Tree, the hymn and its flag.


In addition to the official symbols, Bogota counts with different Stages that make it authentic and have won it the honor of being the capital, such is the case of places like the Bolivar Plaza, the Maloka technology and science center, the Simon Bolivar Park, the Transmilenio massive transportation system and the Nemesio Camacho el Campin Soccer Stadium.

This last place is a site of pride for the citizenship. In each encounter, children, youth and adults that love soccer gather to cheer their teams in the national soccer season and Colombian league.

In order to strengthen the sense of belonging of the city, in 2003 the Bogota Council determined the local channels, TV and radio stations that have continuous programming for 24 hours a day must play the Bogota hymn at 6 AM and 6 PM.

On their part, the local TV channels and radio stations that have partial programming must play the hymn when they begin and end their labor.

In this section you can find a detailed description about the official city symbols, their history and value.


According to experts, due to global warming the city experiments a completely different climate than it did in other times, in some seasons of the year it is not strange to see the citizens replace their umbrellas and coats with t-shirts and sandals, habitual in the warm areas of the country like Cartagena, Cali or Barranquilla.

The average temperature is of 17°C , it ranges from 9 to 22 degrees. The dry and rain seasons alternate throughout the year. The driest months are December, January, February and March and the rainy ones


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