Get Prepare For Your Class Tips And Advice (Class Management) From Various Ressources
Enviado por Rossysita • 21 de Mayo de 2012 • 1.623 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 643 Visitas
• Get prepared. You must be prepared each time that you walk into your class room. Children know when their teacher has done their homework and they respect the fact that their teacher cares enough about their learning to prepare themselves to teach the lesson. Each day you should carefully plan your day by developing a daily schedule as well as a lesson plan that is closely aligned to the stipulations provided by the school district. These plans should universally address needs as well as the learning styles of each student in your classroom; in other words students who are visual learners should be given lessons and activities that comply with their style of learning, students who auditory learners should receive instructions in this area, students who need extra time should get that time, students who are overachievers should have additional assignments that they can independently complete and so forth. If you are prepared you and your students will have an enjoyable and productive day every day.
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Make your room attractive. You should work to have an attractive room that you as well as your students can appreciate and enjoy. This type of environment sets the tone for learning so take some time to make your room attractive and conducive to learning. Display attractive bulletin boards in your room that shows such things that you and your students are doing such as your student's work, art projects, science exhibits or other noteworthy class room information. Your room can also have learning centers, a room library, game area, listening center, computer, science corner and so forth. Be creative and make it an attractive fun place to learn.
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Set classroom rules. • Classroom Rules- Children need rules to follow plus you need guidelines for your kids to follow in order to teach and get the most from the day. Sit with your students in the beginning of the year or anytime to design rules to live by in your room as well as in other parts of the building. Research proves that students who are involved in the designing of their rules will be more likely to follow them so allow your students to work on this project with you. Once these rules are made then make it everyone's responsibility to see that the rules are followed. You can put some kind of short term reward in place for those who follow the rules such as give your students stickers, stars, pencils or some other token. You can celebrate your whole group by having a classroom party or show a movie for those students who met you and your class's standards that all of you set for yourselves. This will encourage your other students to continue following the rules as well as motivate students who didn't quite make it to try to get the prize the next time. Remind the students of these rules often and encourage all of them to obey the rules and encourage each other in positive ways to have a well mannered classroom.
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Be enthusiastic about your lessons. When you teach a lesson teach it as if you love what you are doing and be interactive with your students and engage them to participate. Develop a method to call on each one of your students and don't let a few of your talkative ones dominate the class. Encourage all of your students to participate in your lesson and if a student gives a wrong answer, encourage and help them to succeed by helping them come up with the correct answer by giving clues, asking questions and probing them. Make sure that you always thank all students for their participation in class lessons. Please remember to give students enough wait time to answer the question because students are all different and some need more time than others. You never want to shut down your students keep the answers flowing and always continue to encourage and bring forth the best in them.
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Be fair with your students. As a teacher it is necessary for you to be fair to all of your students. Make a point to always hear students out and treat each one of your pupils with dignity and respect. Don't make differences in them and give the ones that appear a bit disobedient as much respect as you give those who present themselves respectfully all of the time. They will all love and appreciate you for this attitude of being fair to all students.
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Keep good student records. When children do their work then their work should be graded and recorded in your grade book. This gives you an assessment of how the children are doing as well as it shows you the areas that they need help. It also lets the kids know that you mean business and these assignments are important and will impact their grades. Be fair with your grading system and let the children see how and why they received the grade that you gave them, and help them to set goals for themselves and explore ways with them that will help them to understand the concepts taught. Papers can be graded by the teacher and some can be graded as a class assignment by students under the guidance of their teacher. Correcting papers